Dinner Date with Austin.

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I went upstairs when I got home it was only about 5:30 I had like two and a half hours until Austin came to get me. I'm actually really excited to go to dinner with Austin and it wasn't just dinner it was a date. I was really surprised that Austin would want to date me even though I'm pregnant and it's not his baby. (Austin's not famous in my story.)



I went downstairs and to the living room.

Me: Yeah.

Dad: So am I having a grandson or a granddaughter?

Me: A grandson.

Dad: Yay. What's the little mans name gonna be?

Me: Landon Austin Stanly.

Dad: He's not getting Troy's last name?

Me: No I don't really want him to have any parental rights.

Dad: Well that's good I don't trust him with a baby.

Me: Me neither. But I have a date with Austin he'll be here at 7.

Dad: Your friend Austin?

Me: Yeah.

Dad: Well is it like a date as more than friends or just friends?

Me: More than friends does it matter?

Dad: No I like Austin he's a nice boy and I think he will be a good father figure for Landon.

Me: Dad don't say that we're not even dating yet geez.

Dad: I'm just saying its the truth. Where are you two going?

Me: Subway because I really want a BLT. I don't really think it's me who wants it but I think it's Landon.

Dad: Yep blame it on little baby Landon.

Me: Dad I have never eaten tomatoes until I got pregnant.

Dad: Yeah I know I was joking.

Me: What time is Kayla gonna be home?

Dad: 6:30.

Me: Oh.

At 6:30 Kayla was home. Austin was at my house at exactly 7. He rang the door bell.

Me: I GOT IT!!!!

I got the door and invited Austin in.

Dad: Be home by 11.

Me: K bye.

Austin and I left and Austin drove to subway. We went in and I ordered my BLT and Austin got his extra ham and extra cheese sub.

Austin: Go sit I'll get you a drink. What do you want?

Me: I'll take a apple juice.

Austin: Ok

Austin got a soda and got me a apple juice. Austin sat down across from me.

Austin: I'm so glad I got the balls to ask you out.

Me: Me too I was surprised that you wanted to go out with me even though I'm pregnant.

Austin: It doesn't matter to me. I liked you the first day we met.

Me: Aww.

Austin: What it's true.

Me: Aww your so cute Austin.

Austin: No I'm not you are.

Me: No I'm not I have this huge baby belly and I waddle when I walk that's not cute.

Austin: Yes it is it's adorable. But are you ready?

Me: Yeah I'm tired.

We got in Austin's car. Austin dropped me off at my house and I went inside.

Dad: Hi

Me: Hi.

Dad: You sound happy.

Me: Yeah I'm pretty happy.

Dad: With what?

Me: My life and every thing that has happened the past 5 months.

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