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We got to my house.

Austin: You go in the house I'll get Landon.

Me: Ok I'll wait for you.

I got out of the car and Austin got Landon. We went in the house and it was just how I left it a mess.

Me: Well I guess Landon getting here wasn't a big enough reason for my dad and Kayla to come home.

Austin: Babe they'll be home.

Me: I know.

I went over to the couch and sat down. Before I left I wiped the couch down. Austin put Landon's seat on the coffee table. I got Landon out of his seat. I was holing him.

Austin: You made the cutest baby I've ever scene in my life.

Me: Thanks.

Austin: Yep. I should call my mom and tell her we're home.

Me: Mmm k.

Austin(on the phone): Hey mom. We're at Kaylei's house if you want to come down and see him if you want.

Michele: I'll be down in a little bit.

Austin: Ok. Bye

Michele: Bye.

Me: Austin I'm gonna show Landon the rest of the house.

Austin: Umm not with out me.

Austin followed me to the kitchen.

Me: Landon this is the kitchen where we cook.

Austin: When your mom cooks you better get out of the way. She's a really good cook but if you get in her way she gets really really mad.

Me: Shut up Austin.

Austin followed me upstairs. I went to my room first.

Me: This is mommy's room.

I went to Justin's room next.

Me: This is uncle Justin's room. He'll be home soon.

I went to Aubrey's room.

Me: This is aunt Aubrey's room.

I went to Parker's room.

Me: This is uncle Parker's room.

I went to Landon's room.

Me: This is your room.

I went back downstairs and to my dad and Kayla's room.

Me: This is Grandpa and Grandma's room.

I then went to the dinning room.

Me: This is the dinning room where we eat dinner.

Austin: And when Grandpa is mad at your mommy he calls her in her to talk.

Me: Shut up Austin.

There was a knock and the door.

Austin: I got it its probably my mom.

Austin ran to the door and he was wrong it was Alex, Robert, Zach and Tyler. I went out to the living room.

Alex: Hey baby girl! How ya doin?

Me: I'm good.

Robert(talking to Austin): Where's London?

Austin: Kaylei's in the living room holding him.

Robert and Austin came in to the living room.

Alex: Let me hold Landon.

Me: Sit down first.

Alex: What you don't trust me?

Me: Umm I didn't even trust Austin. So no I don't trust you.

Alex sat down and I handed him Landon. I took a picture and put it on Instagram. My caption was '@alexconstancio. Landon and his "uncle Alex". '

Landon stared to wiggle and cry.

Alex: Umm Kaylei what did I do?

Me: Nothing he's probably wet or hungry.

Alex: Ok

I took Landon and I took him upstairs to his room. I put him on his changing table and changed his dipper. I went back downstairs and Michele was there.

Michele: Let me hold him.

I handed Landon to Michele. Michele held him for about 5 minuets then she had to go. All of the guys got to hold Landon. At 8pm Landon was sleeping so I took him upstairs and put him in his crib. I took every thing out because I was afraid that he would suffocate himself. I turned on the baby monitor and took the other one downstairs with me. I went downstairs and to the kitchen. I made a sandwich and got a bottle of water. I went and sat on the the couch next to Austin.

Austin: You look tired babe.

Me: I am.

Austin: Justin texted me and said that they'll be here at about 10 tonight.

Me: Thats good for him. I'm gonna go up to my room and lay down. I'm gonna try and get some sleep I know Landon will be up at like 9 or 10. So goodnight boys.

Alex: Night

Robert: Goodnight

Zach: Night night.

Tyler: Night.

Austin: Night babe love you.

Me: I love you too Austin.

I kissed Austin and went upstairs. I put the monitor on my night stand then laid down. I fell asleep.

I woke up at 10:30 to Landon crying. I got up and went to his room. I got Landon and changed his dipper. Then I took him downstairs and got him a bottle. I went and sat on the couch. I fed Landon burped him and at about 11:30 he was back to sleep. I put him in my room in the bassinet. I fell back asleep.

My Austin Mahone Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now