Birthday Prep

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Me and Makyla are sitting out side tanning it's Febuary 20th . Austin made it for Christmas he's still her untill after Landon's 1st birthday.

Makyla: I really never want to talk to Derrick again. I hate him

Me: I know you do. Austin will be down with Landon at about 6 tonight.

Makyla: When are we going shopping for Lanond's birthday stuff it's all ready 2:30.

Me: Well lets go get dressed then go shopping.

Makyla: Ok.

We both went in the house and got dressed. I put on a white with pink poke-a-dots dress and some pink flip-flops.

Makyla: You look so pretty.

Me: Thanks. Let's get going.

We went tpo party city and got a buch of 1st birthday things for Landon. We were standing in line to check out when Austin called me.

Me: Hello.

Austin: Hey babe. I'm bringing Landon over right now.

Me: Well we're not home.

Austin: Where are you guys?

Me: We're at party city buying the stuff for Lanond's party tomorrow.

Austin: Oh. I'll just let my self in then. Is the door locked?

Me: Umm yeah but you have a key.

Austin: Oh I forgot that I have a key. So we'll be waiting for you and Makyla.

Me: Ok would you mind if we went and dgot our nails done and went to dinner.

Austin: No. But I gotta go see you when you get home. Love you.

Me: Ok love you too bye.

I hung up and we checked out. Then we went to get our nails done.

Lady: Hi I'm Kim and this is Madison we'll be doing your nails today. Come right this was please.

We follwed her to the chairs.

Kim: What would you like today?

Me: Umm can I get a baby blue with zebra stripes.

Kim: Would you like that as acrlicks?

Me: Yeah.

She started my nails.

Makyla: I'm getting the same thing. This is nice just a girls day not Derrick, Austin or Landon. I love having Landon around all the time but some times it nice to just have a girls day ya know.

Me: I agree so much. I mean I love Landon but he needed daddy time ya know?

Makyla: Yeah he did.

Me: I just hope he'll be ok when Austin goes back to Florida.

Makyla: He'll be fine.

Me: I miss Landon.

Kim: Is that your son?

Me: Yeah.

I unlocked my phone and showed her a picture of Landon and then I showed Madison.

Kim: He's a cutie.

Me: He'll be one tomorrw. I can't believe how fast the year has flown by.

Makyla: I know.

Kim: Well your done are you guys getting your toes done too.

Me: Do you want to Kayla?

Makyla: Yeah.

Me: Ok.

We were done at 5:30. We went to Olive Garden for dinner. I still had some dinner left so I brought it home for Austin. When we got home it was 8. We went in the house and to the living room. When we went to the living room the t.v was on Nick Jr and Austin was sleeping on the couch with Landon on his chest. I coverd them up and put my extra dinner in the fridge. I put the bag of birthday stuff on the table.

Makyla: They are so cute.

Me: I know right. I'm gonna call my dad and see if he needs a ride tomorrow or not.

Makyla: K.

I called my dad.

Dad: Hello.

Me: Hey do you need a ride from the hotel tomorrw?

Dad: No we don't but thanks for asking. I think your mom needs a ride.

Me: Yeah she does. Justin and Leah have a ride . Your guys are giving grandma and grandpa a ride right?

Dad: Yeah. It's at 2 tomorrow right?

Me: Yep. I gotta go so I'll see you at 2 tomorrw.

Dad: Ok bye.

I hung up and called my mom.

Mom: Hello.

Me: Hey you need a ride tomorrow right?

Mom: Yeah me,nana and papa.

Me: Ok Austin will probably pick you up becuase I have to decorate.

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