Texas here I come

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It's December 30 we are going back to Texas and I'm so happy we're on the air plain right now. It's 4:30am

Me: Dad I'm going to Alex's when I get home cuz we're having a party and exchanging gifts. Austin's gonna pick me up. I'll be home at like 1:30-2:00am.

Dad: Ok.

We got to Texas at 1:30pm. We got to Kayla and my Dad's cars then we put our stuff in my dads van. We had a two hour drive back to our house. We got home at 3:45. I got upstairs and put all of my stuff in my room then I took all of the clothes that everyone bought Landon in his room. Austin wouldn't be here until 6:30 so I took all of the tags off Landon's clothes and put them on hangers then put them in his closet. I put some of the hats that he got in a drawer and his socks in the same drawer. By the time I had that done it was 6. I went back to my room and changed because I look like crap I put on a pair of 'mommy' jeans and a tank top on I put my hair up in a bun and did my make up. I grabbed a hoodie out of my closet and put it on my bed. I got all of the gifts that I was gonna give Austin, Alex, Robert, Zach, Tyler, and Michele. I had gotten Austin a pair of bright orange Jordan's and a Air Jordan hat. I got Alex two hats one was Air Jordan and the other was a beanie. I got Robert a Air Jordan hat and a Jordan jersey. I got Zach a hat and two four packs of Rockstar. I got Tyler the same thing I got Alex. Michele I bought a necklace and a bracelet.



I grabbed my bag of gifts and headed downstairs.

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