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It's February 8th. Not much happened in the last month. I've been sitting home doing nothing other than spending a lot of time with Justin and a lot more time with Austin. It's 9:30. Kayla come into my room when I was getting ready.
Kayla: Austin and Michele are here.
Me: Send Austin up and tell Michele we'll be done in like 5.
Kayla: Ok.
Austin came up to my room. We had matching out fits on. I was standing in front of my mirror Austin came up behind me.
Austin: We look good.
Me: You do I don't.
Austin: You look beautiful.
Me: No I don't I'm nine months pregnant what is beautiful about that.
Austin: Well it's beautiful and crazy that there is a little person inside of you.
I started to cry.
Austin: Babe are you ok?
Me: Yep it's just your so sweet and I'm putting you through this.
Austin: Do you think I would be here if I didn't want to be?
Me: No.
Austin: Thats right now wipe your tears we have a sonogram to see and pictures to take.
I went to the bathroom and fixed my makeup. Austin and I went downstairs.
Michele: Oh you two look so cute.
Me: Thank you. Are we ready?
Mom: Yep.
Michele: Yep.
Austin: More than ready.
We got in Michele's car and went to the doctors appointment. We were do with that at 12. Then we went to get the pictures done.

Lady: Hi I'm Maddie I'll be taking your pictures today. Come this way so we can talk about what pictures you want.
She took us to this huge room. We sat at a little round table.
Maddie: So how do you want to pictures done.
Me: I want some of just me and then some of me and him. (I pointed to Austin.)
Maddie: Ok well we'll start with just you.
Me: Ok
The first picture we took was me standing with my hands in a heart shape on my big belly. Then the second one I was laying on the floor upside down with my legs up on a chair. The third picture was (with Austin) he stood behind me and put his hands on my belly. The forth one was with me and Austin it was one of each of our hands on my belly our hands were in the shape of a heart.
Maddie: If you come over here we can talk about what ones you want framed.
Me: Ok.
Maddie showed us our pictures.
Me: Can Austin and I take one more. I have a idea.
Maddie: Yes if course.
The picture was me standing with my left side showing and Austin was on his knees kissing my belly.
Maddie: Ok so now what two do you want framed.
Me: I think the one with my laying upside down and then the on with Austin standing behind me.
Maddie: Ok I'll send these out to the framing people and if you just stick around for a little bit we can send them right home with you.
Me: Ok is there anyway you could text or email me all of the pictures?
Maddie: I can text them to you if you would like.
Me: That would be great.
I gave Maddie my number and she texted me the pictures. We got our framed pictures and the went to dinner. We went to 5 Guys. I got a bacon cheese burger and so did Austin and Michele and my mom got cheese burgers. We sat out side and ate.
Mom: Those picture are so cute. So Austin your the father of my grandson?
Austin: Umm I will be legally but she was pregnant when we met.
Mom: Oh Kaylei I thought you said that he was Landon's dad.
Me: Mom can we please not talk about it.
Mom: Well it's just
Me: Mom drop it.
Mom: Well I though that you said he is Landon's father.
Me: Mom he is! To me he's Landon's dad and he's all Landon is gonna know as a dad!
I got up and walk away.
Austin: Kaylei wait.
I just kept walking. Austin came up to me.
Austin: Babe?
Me: What?
Austin: Are you ok?
Me: I'm fine it's just every time we talk that's all she brings up.
Austin: Don't let it get to you. Let's go and sit back down.
Me: Fine.
We went and sat down.
Mom: I'm sorry Kaylei.
Me: It's fine.
We ate and left. Michele and Austin dropped me and my mom off and left. I went in and got a bottle of water then I took the pictures upstairs and put them up in Landon's room. I went to my room and laid down.
Justin: How did the day go?
Me: Horrible. Well the sonogram and pictures went good. Then at dinner mom had to bring out the whole Austin's Landon's dad but he's not thing so I'm pretty pissed at her.
Justin: Wow
Me: I know. I'm so tired.
Justin: Well I'll let you get some sleep night.
Me: Night.
Justin left and I closed my door. I put my pajamas on and then I climbed into bed with my phone. I put the pictures on Facebook and twitter. Then I fell asleep.

My Austin Mahone Love StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant