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I went downstairs. I went to the living room where Austin was. I ran up to him and gave him a hug and we kissed.

Me: I missed you sooooooo much.

Austin: I missed you too. You ready?

Me: Yep. Dad we're leaving if I'm not coming home I'll call or text you.

Dad: Ok have fun. Drive safe.

Austin: We will and I'll drive safe.

We left. When we got to Alex's we went in and Michele was there and so was Alex's mom.

Michele: Kaylei! (she came up and hugged me.) We missed you so much.

Me: I missed all of you too. I didn't really have a good time but we won't talk about that.

Austin came in with all of my gifts for everyone. We all sat down on the floor well us kids that is Michele and Alex's mom sat on the couch.

Michele: Here Kaylei you open first.

Austin: Open mine last.

Me: Ok.

I opened Michele's first she had gotten me a necklace that had on angle on it and a shirt that was purple. Then I opened Alex's he had gotten me a poster that said love and he had it framed. Zach got me a gift card to aero. Tyler got me a necklace that said love with a heart on it. Robert got me a American Eagle grift card.

Austin: Ok open mine now.

Me: Ok

I opened Austin's gift to me it was a framed picture of us kissing. He also got me a bracelet that had a heart on it and engraved in the heart it said our names and our anniversary.

Me: OMG Austin I love it!!

I kissed Austin.

Austin: I'm so glad. I was so nervous that you wouldn't like it.

Me: Of course I love it.

Alex: Ok ok I'm gonna open mine now.

Austin got him a monster four pack. Zach got him a monster four pack and so did Robert Zach and Michele.

Alex: Well I'm set on monster for a while. And thanks for the hats Kaylei.

Me: Yep.

Zach opened his and he got a bunch of hats. Robert got some hats and clothes. Tyler got some hats and other random stuff.

Michele: Here Kaylei open this.

Me: What is it?

Michele: It's for Landon it's from all of us. Well we all pitched in to buy three things for him.

I opened the first one it was a bouncy seat. The second one was a bassinet and the third was a jumper seat.

Me: OMG thanks guys. I don't know how to thank you guys.

Michele: You don't have to. I accept you in to our family and I'm proud that Austin is gonna be Landon's legal father and we will help you with anything you need.

Me: Thank you so much.

Austin: I'll be right back.

Austin went to Alex's room all the guys went with him. When they got back Austin handed me a small box it wasn't tiny like a ring box.

Austin: Open it.

Me: I'm going.

I unwrapped the box. It was a little shoe box. I opened the box and inside was a tiny pair of high top Air Jordan's .

Austin: Now me and Landon have matching shoes.

Me: OMG Austin you didn't have to do that.

Alex: Here open this.

Alex handed me a wrapped clothes box. I unwrapped it I opened the box. In the box was a little monster hoodie.

Me: Alex this is so cute!

Alex: He'll match me now.

Robert handed me a box and it had a little Jordan jersey and a pair of tiny basketball shorts.

Me: My son is gonna be spoiled before he's even born.

Zach had bought Landon a blanket that had a monster symbol on it and it had his full name engraved on it. Tyler bought him a little pair of DC's.

Me: I love all of it thanks guys.

We all hung out and talked. At 9 Michele ordered pizza. She got a cheese and a garlic pizza. We all ate then went and sat in the living room and talked. I got up and went to get my hoodie out of my bag because I was cold.

Me: Crap I forgot my hoodie.

Austin: Take mine I'm sweating.

I took Austin's hoodie and put it on. We watched the ball drop then hung out for about an hour.

Austin: Kaylei are you going home or are you gonna stay at my house.

Me: I'm gonna go home.

Austin: Ok.

Me: Umm Austin can I talk to you in the kitchen.

Austin: Yeah.

We went to the kitchen to talk.

My Austin Mahone Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now