It's You

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Why can't I remember you?

Your touch...

Your smile...

It's all gone...

Sana P.O.V:

I always had these thoughts after he left. His name... what was it? I can never remember. Why? Aish, I'm hungry. I'll go buy something to eat.


"What?!" Tzuyu yelled back.

"I'm heading out to go buy some food. Do you want anything?" I asked her.

"No I'm fine. Just make sure to stay safe okay? Remember you're still a little sick." Tzuyu replied.

"Will do! See you later!" Sana said.

"See you."

I went to my closet to get ready. I changed into something simple, not too fancy. I put on black  skinny jeans, a simple white shirt, a black oversized hoodie, and my converse shoes. I was ready to head out so I exited the house, and made my way to the convenience store.

When I made my way to the convenience store, I opened the door to the store. I walked to the aisle with the cup noodles. There I saw him... his features never changing... his eyes glowing like before when he saw something he really wanted... his cute bunny smile... everything about him... I can remember it... just not his name. He looked at me, then looked away. I still couldn't remember his name.

"Guess he doesn't remember me either." I whispered. Before breaking my thought about him.

I grabbed a cup of noodles, and some drinks for me and Tzuyu. I payed for them and started to make my way back home. I started to feel a bit dizzy though. Losing my balance, I stumble.

'No, this can't happen here.' I thought.

Everything started getting blurry. Before I could bring myself back to my senses... I fainted. But someone caught me. The same person I saw earlier. He caught me. I can barely see his face, as my vision was too blurry. But I started to remember. His name... I remember it now. It all came back to me now at that very moment.

"Save me... Jungkook...." I managed to say to him.

"How do you know my name?" The man replied.

I knew it....

I knew it would be like this...

You used to know me...

Now you don't...

I then fully fainted, and he started to carry me to his house, since he didn't know where I lived.

I knew it from the second he caught me...

He doesn't remember me...

My first love...

Doesn't remember me...


But I remember you now...

You left me here for your family business...

I loved you...

But why can't you remember me...


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