Back to Strangers

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Jungkook P.O.V:

I know this smell. This touch. Everything about it. I know who this is. I stand up properly and she couldn't reach my head anymore properly.


"Stop. Don't hold me back Sana." I interrupted.

I didn't want to look back at her or else I'd soften up. I don't want to see her hurt face.

"Or what?" She responded.

I was shocked at Sana's sudden braveness. I chuckle. I glance at her over my right shoulder with a serious look in my face.

"I'll make your life hell." Not even I know why I said that. I don't want to hurt Sana, I just want to accept the fact that she doesn't want me anymore. So I can't let her control me.

I see her face change into something I don't recognize. A face of disgust. A face of hatred. I look down and think to myself.

'It's probably better this way.'

I look back at Lisa. She smirks at me, "Looking to lose everyone you know or something, Koo-"

The slap echoed through the whole mall as the red hair passes through me.

"Rose..." I muttered miserably. I don't feel like myself. My chest is heavy and my stomach is eating itself.

"Can't you see what you're doing Lisa? You're just hurting people. Do you really thing hurting Jungkook will win him over to you? What the hell happened to the old you?!" Rose stopped suddenly. "The old you..." she muttered.

Lisa holds her cheek in her hand. I look down at Rose's beating red hand and realize what just happened.

"Stop... please Rose. This is my problem."

"No it isn't. It's ours now. Jungkook... I love you." Rose confesses.

"What?" My eyes shot up to Rose's comforting eyes. Her eyes of sincerity and gentle honesty. Her eyes filled with love.

"I-" I hear footsteps running away from behind me. I snap out of the trance Rose put me in and remembered Sana was right behind me. I turned around and saw her grab Yein's arm as she turned the corner and pull her towards the exit.

"Rose... I appreciate your feelings. But I know you know how I feel." I tell her.

"Yes I do... I'll still love you unconditionally. I'll probably always stay at second place or lower, but you're the one I love. Even if you don't love me back... Jungkook, I love you." Rose forced out as she let out a tear.

I walk up to Rose and give her a hug letting her cry on my chest. I give Lisa a look and put my hand on Rose's head to give her a sense of protection.

"Leave me alone. And never... ever come back. Don't think about hurting anyone I care about ever again. Don't even speak to anyone I care about ever again. Stay out of my life. I hate you Lisa." I finally mustered up the courage to say all that.

Lisa looked at me with emotionless eyes still holding her cheek. She grabbed her bag that fell off her shoulder when Rose slapped her and walked away quietly. I close my eyes to the sound of my heart breaking, the sound of Rose's quiet whimpers, and the sound of pitiful destiny pointing its finger at me.

"It's just me and you now..." I whisper to Rose, not knowing if she heard me. "Me and her... we're back to strangers again." Once again, the only sound I hear is Rose's quiet whimpers and my peaceful, enjoyable life being ruined.

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