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Jungkook P.O.V:

"I'm breaking up with you."

In an instant tears filled my eyes and I opened my mouth only for nothing to come out. I tried again after a few seconds.

"W-why?" Was all I can manage to get out.

"I shouldn't date you anymore. With everything happening with you, Rose, and Lisa." She replied.

"How'd you find out about Lisa? Who told you?" Anger built up inside of me but came out as tears.

"She told me."

"I was too late... I can fix this Sana. Please, don't break up with me because of this." I pleaded.

"That isn't the only reason I'm breaking up with you..." she paused.

"I just don't feel anything for you anymore."

"It's only been a week. How can feelings fade that fast?" I cried even harder.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook." She stood up and went for the door. I weakly stuck out my arm and tried to grab her arm but failed to. My arm fell by my side as I watched her walk away from me, leaving me alone with a river flowing out my eyes.

"Who knew someone who made me so happy, could cause me so much pain?" I weakly said to myself.

Sana P.O.V:

I walked out the door fast before Jungkook could grab me. As soon as the door closed behind me, the tears I've been holding fell out my eyes. I ran to the restroom as fast as I can and entered a stall.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook. I still love you. It's not your fault. It's mine..." I whispered quietly. I fell down to the ground with my back against the wall as I cried.

After a few minutes I wiped my tears and went go check if Jungkook was still at the garden. I saw him still out there, curled into a ball, still crying.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

I was surprised when he shot his head up. My breath hitched when I saw how swollen and red his eyes were. He looked around the garden seeming as if he were looking for someone. I saw Rose come out from behind him and sat next to him on the bench. She hugged him and it lasted that way for awhile.

Rose P.O.V:

I was waiting in the classroom wondering why Jungkook and Sana has not been back yet.

"Mrs. Choi?" I called my teacher.

"Yes, Chaeyoung?" She replied.

"May I use the restroom?" I asked.

"Go ahead." She said before turning back to the whiteboard to continue her lesson. I hastily made my way to the garden to check if they were still there. I went through another entrance to make it seem like I actually went to the restroom. I opened the door and heard someone crying.

'Is that Jungkook?' I thought to myself.

I turned the corner and saw Jungkook curled into a ball, crying. I went over and sat next to him on the bench. He looked at me, surprised, and I pulled him into a hug. He started crying harder, without saying a single word. I lied him down on my lap after a bit and he continued to cry.

"Poor, Jungkook. You don't deserve this." I whispered. I looked down to see Jungkook peacefully sleeping, still managing to somehow look heartbroken. I looked over to the door I had came in from the first time and saw a girl run away quickly, but I ignored it. I looked down at Jungkook one last time.

"What did I do to deserve this..." I heard Jungkook mumble in his sleep.

"Nothing. Absolutely, nothing." I replied to him although I knew he couldn't hear me.

"Please stop wasting so much tears over this. It hurts me too."

Hey guys! Sorry for such a long wait, I've been really busy with school. Well here's a new chapter and I'll update another one soon. Promise! Thanks for being patient, and I'll see you guys later! Bye!

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