Your parents died and your the legal guardian of your sister/bro

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Your parents just died three weeks ago and you went to court and got custody of Isabelle. At first you were nervous, she's 5 and asks questions. Now your like a pro, she adores Brad so there is no issues there. You and Brad both love her it's just when she gets upset about you guys parents that it's hard to handle coz you want to cry but you can't coz you have to be strong for her. Brad is letting you have a day off so he sent you to a spa with some friends. You think he was messing when he said it but he wasn't and your enjoying it. You get home at 5 and go in to see that Brad Isabelle are on the piano playing it. "What's going on?" Asked Y/n. "Teaching Belle to play piano, she picked it up fast enough" smiled Brad. I smile.
It's really a great time looking after her. It gives you great practice for your child.
You and your little brother Owen's parents died from a severe car crash four weeks ago, your parents left you with custody of Owen. At first you were scared coz his 16 and he might rebel but luckily your alike in way and he like Sophie, James' little sister so he sticks around for that. You try your best but a teenager is hard work. You and him are close and James loves him. At first Owen didn't really like James, thought he would cheat. He then realised he wouldn't. One thing is Owen now goes to Sophie's school and they are best friends. James has said to me in secret that Sophie likes him and Owen told me he liked her so we are setting them up. I'm a big sis. It's my job.
So Owen and Sophie did date and still are and Me and James are expecting our first kid, Owen is excited about that.
Your parents died and left you Evelyn who is 6 months old. They left you their house, which is huge since they are rich..... they are CEO's of Air Ways Company. You were meant to be CEO but you decided to give it to someone who is qualified like your best friend Jordan and he has a boyfriend who is also CEO with him, their both qualified so you thought that would be best, they will still keep you in the loop. You want to spend time with Evelyn and Con. Evie and Con are like dad and daughter. We are just going to raise her and then tell her I'm her sister but if she wants to call me mom she can. Con already said she can call him dad.
Evie is now 4 and calls us mom and dad, she knows we are not her biological parents but she said she wants to call us mom and dad, which is fine and we have a baby boy, Evan.
Your parents died around five weeks ago and you got custody of your brother and sister Felix and Felicity, their twins. Their 15. They are quite the energetic kids. They love Tris coz his the same so you can find them jumping on the trampoline or the beds. You love them and they love you. Your all very close with each other. You find having them around keeps things fun.
You had a baby boy and girl, Sasha and Sam. Your brother and sister laughed, said they probably would turn out like Tris and you groaned coz you knew that was true.

This took bloody forever to write but it's finished now and yea
Lorna hayes

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