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Ok so I start school pretty soon (23rd August) and I wanted ya to know I'm very nearly near the end:( I'm sad. Anyway Wexford is going good. Ok not that good I'm getting too old for it. It's boring now, maybe coz I'm 17(18 on the 6th September!

Anyway just wanted to say hey and more imagines/ preferences TOMORROW like say what:)

Anywho byeeeee see you all tomorrow for another round of The Vamps Prefs and Imagines :):)😂😂😂😂👌🏻

Lorna Xx

(Oh and comment the weirdest dreams you ever have.... mine are pretty intense like one time I dreamed I was in school and all the floor were gone and I was doing parkour climbing walls but then I fell but grabbed on and then there was zombies yeah weird dreams and ever have dreams where you wake up from falling and you fall on your bed but you haven't fallen from anything? That happens to me:) Anywho comment your WEIRDEST dreams)

The Vamps Preferences and Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now