Brad Imagine

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His your brother, Tristan's best friend.

Your older brother, Tristan warned the lads don't touch or date his younger sister a.k.a you. One thing is you and Brad are dating for 6 months. Tristan has gone to meet your parents, you live with Tris, cause you just wanted to be near him. You invited Brad over to have some quality time. 


You answer the door and see Brad. I kiss him and lead him in. We go to my room, I have snacks ready, number for pizza next to me and my laptop set up with movies. Brad smiles when he sees the room decked in fairy lights. We lie on my bed and cuddle and watch 13 reasons why. We soon look at each other, I place my laptop down and we lean in and kiss. We pull apart couple minutes later. "I love you" said Brad. "I love you too" you said, smiling. You finish watching the season of 13 reasons why. You both soon fall asleep in each others arms. 


"Y/N do you want to go----" trailed off Tris. "WHAT THE FUCK IS BRAD SLEEPING NEXT TO YOU!" yelled Tris. I wake up and so does Brad, he instantly wraps his arms around me. "Tristan.... me and Brad are dating for 6 months and at first we didn't want to but we couldn't stop or deny our attraction! Would you rather see me with a douche bag of a man or Brad, someone you know and trust?" you asked. "Y/N.... If you break up who's side will I take? Yours or Brads? It could ruin the band, but I would rather you date him, just don't break up, please" said Tris. "Tris.... I love your sister, so so much. She makes me happy and I love her" said Brad. "I love him too, Tris." you smiled. 

Soon enough he got used to you two dating. After two years of dating you got married and had three kids, two which is twins. A year after we got married we had our twins, Alessia Eva Simpson and Andrew Evan Simpson. Ally and Drew. They were two when we had our third sets of twins. Ben Connor Simpson and Brie Carlie Simpson. Their 5 months now and your pregnant again this time with one baby, a girl. Both of you are calling her Jade-Rae Isabel Simpson. You guys are happy and in love.

DONE AND DUSTED:) AND I hope you enjoy the TWO pictures of Brad:) Anywho it's Easter tomorrow eggs!<3 I love eggs(of the chocolate variety:)) Anywho I'm off, Britain's Got Talent is very nearly here!! 8 o'clock soon:)

Lorna Hayes:) 

comment your favourite cover by The Vamps (mine is Rockabye by Clean bandit ft Anne Marie and Sean Paul) 

Vote if ya love The Vamps

And read to see what this is about:) 

And for a mission let's comment what you love about The Vamps:) 

Mine is that they are down to earth and are just funny boys living their dream. 

So go and do the mission

So go and do the mission

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The Vamps Preferences and Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now