Michael- Never Eat

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A new collab, this time with the lovely -lovelylashton-. Haha. idk.



It had been getting too much recently for Michael Clifford, the lead guitarist of 5 Seconds Of Summer. He'd been getting 'hate', as he called it, from his supposed 'fans'. They were saying he must be eating too much pizza and that it looks as though he is gain a little weight. Michael didn't know that they were just joking. He thought they were serious.

After a little thought, he started ignoring it, believing it was just muscle mass or something like that. He forgot about the comments about his weight, that is, until the boys started commenting on it, saying how he had 'gained a little weight' recently. This was when he started believing it. He knew the boys would never lie to him.

His first resort was something he had seen online as a coping technique, cutting. He bought a box of razors and made slashes on his wrists. He started wearing more wristbands and soon long sleeves as the cuts went further up his arms. He liked the pain, but it started getting a nuisance.

He stopped cutting himself and eventually the cuts faded. Meanwhile, Michael was looking for something that would make him lose weight and give him the satisfaction of being hurt for all the wrongs he has done, all the food he has eaten. He found a new method, an Eating Disorder. Michael liked the idea.

So he started working out more and reducing his meals.

No one noticed, which made Michael even more upset. He thought that maybe someone would notice his decrease in appetite and maybe he could talk to them, but not a single person saw how upset the boy was and how much Michael was hurting. Michael started getting worse and worse as time went on, but still no one noticed and it hurt him even more.

Eventually Michael stopped eating, turning to warm water to keep his stomach somewhat satisfied, even though he liked the stomach pains, they could be annoying occasionally. He vomited out his food if he had to eat. Michael started going to the gym in his spare time and his weight dropped dramatically. But not in his eyes.

In his eyes he was just getting bigger and bigger and there was nothing that he could do to stop it, he was always going to be fat. He didn't care that the late nights he spent in the gym were tiring him out, he needed to get skinnier, to look more like those around him. To look more like his boys.

The lads were all that Michael wanted to be. He wanted to be as good at playing guitar as Luke, as muscley as Ashton and as nice as Calum. But he knew that he would never be able to do that, it would never happen that way. He had no chance, never would he be like them. He was too dumb, too mean, too fat.

Weeks went by and Michael just kept losing more and more weight. No one was stopping him so why should he. But at this time, Luke had taken note of his friend's weight decrease.

"Do you guys think Michael has lost weight recently?" Luke asked the other boys, whose heads shot up at the topic. Both boys had noticed a difference, but were trying to convince themselves it was nothing.

"I mean, I'm sure if something was really happening he would tell us. We are his friends, right?" Ashton replied, looking to the other two for reassurance. Luke bit his lip and Calum sighed. None of them were sure what was going on, and none of them knew if Michael was even okay.

The next night, after a day full of practicing, the boys had a concert. They were super hyped, although Michael was looking a little pale in the face, paler than normal. Calum noticed and decided to question him.

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