Luke- Defective Back

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A very special request from ElishaHilker.

Request: I was thinking of a fic with Luke Having Spina Bifida and how even with the struggles he still makes it in music with 5SOS!!!For one Luke is my favorite and also I have always been into music myself!!!I kinda just want it to show that no matter your circumstances that it can be done!!!I always have people who doubt me so I never had the courage to go for it even though I had a couple people say I should!!!

Here you are beautiful! THIS IS KINDA LIKE AN AU SO YEAH!


The lads of 5 Seconds Of Summer were doing something very special. They were doing a charity livestream to raise money for the sufferers of Spina Bifida. It was really special because the band's own lead singer and guitarist, Luke Hemmings suffered from the very disease. They had decided to do this livestream in his honor, it had even been a surprise at first. The lads had pulled up to Youtube studios and went inside and suddenly they were in a livestream for Spina Bifida, the look on Luke's face was priceless.

He had always said he wanted to do something to help the cause, but had never had the opportunity. Now, he did. And he was going to make the most of it.

"Hey guys!" The lads greeted their viewers with a smile.

"We are doing this livestream, as you may already know, to raise money for Spina Bifida." Ashton began. Calum then took over.

"Luke here also suffers from it so we wanted to help everybody who does because... because that's a nice thing to do?" He said, not really sure of what he was supposed to be saying.

"As Calum was trying to say, I do suffer from Spina Bifida and I wanted to tell you guys about my experience. Maybe, that way, we can get it to anyone who has this, or any other condition, that you can do whatever you want, if you try." Luke started.

"When I was younger, everyone told me I would not make it anywhere, because I had this. They told me that I wouldn't be able to perform if I can't even walk properly. But I didn't believe them. I wanted to get up here, and I did.

"I was bullied a lot at school.." Luke trailed off and Michael looked away guiltily, something that didn't go unnoticed. "But that was okay. I didn't really care too much, I just ignored it and continued on my path to the top. The thing I didn't understand about the bullying was that they were being mean to me for something that I couldn't help. So don't bully others, especially if you don't know the story."

Everyone was listening to the story, with tears in their eyes. But a smile on their face because, he got through and is now doing what he loves, which just so happens to be the thing everyone told him he would never do.

"My mum, however, always believed in me. She knew that I was going to do everything humanly possible to do this, and she believed that I could. She helped me as well. She was the one who bought me my first guitar, who introduced me to this wonderful thing we call music. And I can't thank her enough.

"Sure, it's not all going smoothly up here. It has ups and downs. I always knew that it wouldn't always go to plan and that made me all the more determined to get over the bumps. I have days where I forget I have it, as everything goes fine and I feel like I'm normal. No Spina Bifida. But there are also days when I just don't want to anything, and sometimes I'm in pain. But," Luke cut himself off from his emotional story, and threw his arms around the rest of the band. "These boys help me through those days. And I love them. So much."

"And we love you too Luke." Ashton beamed, Calum and Michael murmuring in agreement.

"Thanks guys. Anyways, for all of you out there, no matter what you are going through, just know that there is always hope for you. There is always someone out there going through the same thing, whether what they are going through is better or worse, they are like you. They know what you are going through and they will always be there to help you. Even if they aren't going through anything close to what you are, they are there, they believe in you.

"There will always be someone out there who believes in you, who loves you. Everyone around you may be putting you down, but there will be someone there who will support you no matter what, whether you know them personally or they are a friend online, they are there for you. Just because you don't know them doesn't mean they are not there. That's the same for those going through the same thing as you. You may not have met them, you may not know them, but they are real, they are there and they know what you go through every day.

"This keeps going in circles, doesn't it?" Luke laughed, the lads chuckling with him.

"Yeah, it kinda does, but I think we all know what you are trying to say." Calum chuckled. "No matter what you are going through, no matter the people around you, there is always someone out there to help you, someone who believes you and you should keep that in mind, even when things seem dire."

"You are special." Michael started, the lads motioning for him to continue when he looked at them to see whether he could indeed speak. "Every single one of you are special. You all deserve to live your dream. Though some of you may never accomplish that dream, the fact that you have a dream that you are working towards is amazing! If I could meet all of you, I would. I want to hear all of your stories, what you go through and what keeps you going, whether it is our music or a friend, whatever it is, it is a valid reason because it is what makes you happy. And being happy is all that matters."

"Yeah, don't let people put you down." Calum continued. "Some people are assholes, all of them have reasons behind their assholery. Whether they are real, honest reasons or bullshit and stupid, they are human too. Sitting down and talking with them may not be a possibility, but they are human. They are... okay I dunno how this relates to what we were talking about. Lemme get back on track

"Don't let people put you down. You are incredible, special, amazing, awesome, any other words of complimentary origin. No matter who you are, where you live, what race you are, how old you are, what you identify as, you are human. You deserve to live a good life, a life where you are happy, a life where you make friends, go on dates, do whatever you want." Calum stopped talking when Ashton gasped. "What?"

"We may or may not have raised $500 000 for Spina Bifida." Ashton announced and the other three boys were in shock.

"Really?" Luke asked in a high pitched, almost girly voice.

"Yeah really!" Ashton confirmed.

"Woohoo! We did it!" Luke cheered. The other boys joined in, getting off the couch and running around the room cheering.

"Thank you so much guys!" Luke bubbled when the lads had sat down again. "You have no idea how much this means to me. I love you all so much!"

"We love you to Luke."

Hey Guys,

I hope you guys liked that! We loved writing that. 


Bye for now,

Alexis :D 

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