Disneyland Dreams|Request|IMORTANT A/N|

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This was literally the worst week of your entire life. You had hardly seen Jack and that made it 100 times worse then it already was. One day you were laying on your sofa, staring up at the ceiling when Jack walked in.
"Hey Baby. You okay?" Jack asked as he took his bag off his back and was looking through it to find something.
"No. I'm far from okay. Cuddles please..." You asked and as Jack took something out of his bag which looked to be an envelope.
"One second Babe..." Jack his bag down and then went into the kitchen. You sighed and then rubbed your eyes and yawned. Jack came in a couple minutes later and then hid something behind his back,
"Jack? What are you hiding?" Jack smiled cheekily.
"Close your eyes and hold out your hands..." Jack ordered, still smiling.
"Jaaack!" You moaned and he rolled his eyes,
"Please, Jillian..." he pleaded and you sighed and then closed your eyes then put your hands out. You felt Jack put some paper or something into your hands,
"An envelope?" You asked confused as you inspected the envelope. Jack sat down and put his arm around you then rested his head on your shoulder,
"Open it." He instructed as you slowly opened it. As you took out the four pieces of paper you read out one,
"A plane ticket to Florida?" There were two of them and then you looked at the next ones. You saw the letters 'DisneyLand, Florida' in capitals as your eyes widened. You jump up and then start jumping up and down,
"OH MY GOD!! JACK THIS IS AMAZING! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" You yells as Jack smiles up at you and he stands up,
"Wow don't get too excited..." he said sarcastically as he grabs you around the waist and pulls you in for a hug. You laugh and then whisper into his ear,
"I love you, Jack..."
"I love you more, Jill..."
"Wait... wait... is the other guys coming too?!" You asked excitedly as you lean back from the hug but Jack still holding you.
"Yep. Conor, Caspar, Joe, Josh and Oli. Mikey couldn't make it." Jack tells you and you smile,
"Okay. I'm so excited!" You hug each other again.

"Seriously, Jill? 3 HOURS?!" Jack says as he laughs and slowly opens his eyes.
"Yep. Come on! You gotta shower and get changed and all that stuff!" You said as you ripped the covers off of Jack. He moans and then sits up and takes the covers back off you,
"I'll only shower if you do with me..." You sigh and then nod your head.
"Ugh. Fine."

After getting packed and ready to leave you made your way to the airport. After arriving at the airport you met up with the other boys and then boarded the plane. Once you had gotten on the plane you were sat next to Jack. For the majority of the flight you had been asleep on Jack's shoulder.

---At Disney---
You arrived at Disney and were so excited. First of all you took your bags to where you were staying together. You had never been so excited in your entire life!

After dropping off all of your things at the hotel you headed off into Disney. Even though you had super bad jet lag and were super tired, you didn't care. After sorting out tickets and getting into the actual park you all looked at the map.
"What at we doing first?" Caspar asked as he looked up at us all.
"Uhhh I dunno..." Conor answered.
"I know! Maybe the tea cups? Wait or the carousel? Or the train thing? Or the---"
"Jill, calm down! It's our first day!" Oli interrupted with a laugh.
"Okay... sorry!" You smiled.
"So how about we get food first?" Josh suggested and then most people nodded.
"Okay... so where is that?" Joe asked and as Josh looked at the map,
"There!" He said as he pointed out it on the map.
"Okay. So I guess we're going there first?" Jack asked and then Caspar's girlfriend Maddie nodded and replied with a simple,

You headed to the closest food place and all sat down. You were sat like this:

 You were sat like this:

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