Important Questions/Announcements|PLEASE READ!|

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I need your opinion on something since you people read this book and I wanna know what you'd like me to add to this book. So can you please answer the following questions:

1. What is your favourite chapter I've written so far?

2. What type of stories do you like?

3. Would you like me to add 'Buttercream Gang Preferences' into this book or not?

4. If you had to give one improvement to this book, what would it be?

5. How often would you like me to update? (Realistically)

6. Who would you like to see more of in these imagines?

7. Do you actually enjoy these stupid little imagines?

-Important Announcements-

1. I'm discontinuing the 'Pregnant?' story and starting a new one if you would like me to. (Comment below!)

2. Jack and Conor's secret project 'GOAT' is being announced on Monday at 7!

3. I'm sorry I haven't updated some people's requests, it's just I started them and when I was scrolling through my old chapters I realised I never finished them and updated. Whoops. Expect yours soon!

4.  I suck at writing.

5. You guys are amazing and great supporters!

6. I am now gonna start taking requests for the other people in the Buttercream Gang! So if you'd like one for any of the following:
You can request it and I'll write it!

So please comment and give me your opinions otherwise there's no way I can improve this book for you all! Even if you can't be bothered, please just this one time comment for me! Please! Thanks a lot for all your support! Updates soon!

Jack Maynard ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now