Chapter 3

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(Gwen in media)
They leave and Im in the living room cleaning. I enjoy cleaning it gives me time to relax. I hear the door knob jiggle. David said he wasn't going to be home until 3:00am its 10:00pm. I fast walk to my room. I grab my phone and call david.
David- hey Gwen what's up?
Gwen- are you guys here?
David- no... were at Toddys place why?
Gwen- I think someone is trying to brake in.
David- wait what?
Gwen- I hear someone trying to open the door.
David- shit... I'm on my way.
Gwen- David they opened the door.
David- go into your closet make sure if they come into your room they cant see you.
Gwen- okay...
My phones died shit.
I go into the closet and hide. They come into my room and  I'm so scared. Suddenly I see my closet door swing open and a gun is pointed to my head. I then hear David and the guys. "GWEN!" toddy yells the guy grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth. I scream as loud as I can considering there's a hand over it. They rush into my room. They don't move or anything. "Let her go"  david said scared.  "No come closer and ill shoot" he said putting the gun closer to my head. Suddenly I see Alex, Dom, and David push the guy down. The guy shot his gun. Suddenly I felt pain in my leg. Scotty and Toddy rush over to me. I look down and see blood. Alot of blood. I start crying because of the pain. Toddy takes off his shirt and apply pressure to the wound. The guy runs out of the house. David runs over to me. "Shit" he looks down at my leg and Dom calls the ambulance. I start feeling light-headed. David holds my head up. "Come on please don't pass out" suddenly everything goes black.
I wake up. My eyes quicky fill with bright lights. I adjust my eyes and look around. I see david, alex, dom, toddy, and Scotty all looking at me. I turn realized im at the hospital. I look down at my leg to see a soft cast on it. I sigh and lay my head back down. "How you felling" david asked crying. "Im fine dont worry" suddenly the door opens its the doctor. "You guys can go there are your crutches" I sit up and grab them. We make our way to the car. Im in the Tesla everyone else is in scottys car. "David" i said look at him. "Yes sweetheart?" He said looking at the reverse camrea. "Ummm... never mind" I looked away and got on my phone. "Gwen you do know u can talk to me right?" I look at him. "Yea.. I know" I look back at my phone. "Please tell me what's wrong I know your not okay" he said still looking at the road. "Im.. fine david okay" I said trying to be convenceing. We make it back to the apartment parking grarge. "Look Gwen I know your not okay. Im not gunna force you to talk to me. But when your ready will you please talk to me?" I nod. "Of course" im happy he understands. We go upstairs everyone already made it. I go to my room because im really tired and everyone else is in the living room talking. I lay down and go on my phone. I go on Instagram and read some comments. "Shes so ugly like omfg" "she's way too fat she should stop eating" "David dosnt love her I can tell" "no body cares about you!!"
I felt tears run down my face. I quicky wipe them away and go to bed.
*David pov*
Im talking to the guys when all of the sudden toddy looks up from his phone. "Ummm.. David have you see the comments on Gwens Instagram?" I look at him puzzled and worried. "No.. why" were now all looking at him. He hands me his phone. I quicky felt sadness and anger fill my body. I get up and punched the wall. I keep punching the wall. Suddenly blood comes from my fist but I don't stop. Toddy runs over to me and stops me. My fist is bruised and bloody. Toddy makes me wash off my fist and he put ace bandages on it. "Im going to bed" I go to my room. God im so stupid for not thinking about that. I lay on my bed and stare at the wall. I then slowly fall asleep.
*Gwens pov*
Its 11 im the morning. I wake up and look around. My leg is in so much pain. I grab my crutches and get ready for the day. Once I change and do make up I go into the living room. Where Alex and David are. I guess Dom went to go hang out with Seth. I sit down. "Good morning how you feeling" David asks worryingly. "Im good" I the see his hand wrapped in a ace bandage. "What happened to your hand?" he looked at Alex. "Me and the guys were playing around and I hurt it" I could tell he was lying but I just nodded. It was akward slince for like 3 minutes. "So... what do you wanna do today Gwen?" David asked. "Ummmm... I don't know I can really do much" I said looking at my leg. "Oh yea sorry..." I looked at him. "No its okay wanna just go to lizas or toddys?" He nods in agreement. "Lizas at a shoot but toddy is never busy" he said laughing. "What time are we gunna head out?" He looks at his phone. "Well im guessing your hungry so were gunna have to stop and get food. So lets say 45 minutes" okay sounds good. "Oh yea wait on more question. Do you know who Josh peck is?" David asked while looking at me then smriking at Alex. "Yea... why?" He smiles. "No reason.."


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