Chapter 26

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Gwen pov:
I wake up with bright lights on me. I don't remember passing out. All I remember is getting to the hospital. I look around and see Jacob and David. I look down and see stitches where my appendix are. "What happened?" I said groggy and tired. "Your appendix burst" I sigh and look at them. "Jacob do you mind steeping out for a second so I can't talk to Gwen" David asked looking at me then him. "Yea I'm gunna go down to the food court. I'll be back in 30-45 minuets" I nod he smiles at me and walks out. "Gwen I'm sorry. He came in to get his stuff I gave him 5 minuets but he kept stalling. Once you left I kinda freaked out on him" I sigh. "It's okay David. I was just upset" he nods. "You had every right to be" he grabs my hand. I just smile. "I feel so sick" he nods "I know" he sighs.

Jacob walks back in. "Someone's here to see you" I look at David confused. He looks confused as well. "Who?" I ask Jacob confused. "A girl named Ash" I sigh. Why is she here? "Tell her to come in" David looks at me like I'm crazy. "It's fine" he sighs. "I just don't need you to get all worked up it's not good for you" I nod. "It'll be fine" he sighs. "I'm not leaving the room tho" I nod. I don't want him to. "Hey Gwen" ash said walking in. I just slightly smile at her. "I've always knew you couldn't take all the hate" she said laughing. I felt my heart beating fast. "Get out" David said realizing I'm getting worked up. "No I think I'm good. Gwen just like you were good when you just decided to leave me?" My heart beats faster and faster. "Get out seriously" She sighs and walks out. "Calm down okay. Take a deep breath". I do as he's told and calm down. Jacob walks back in. I look at the time 11:30pm. Jacob sits next to me and hold my hand. Even in my worst moments he's the sweetest.

David gets a text "shit. I have to go it's a emergency but I don't wanna leave you" David said worried. "David I'm fine you can go" he sighs "are you sure?" I nod "I'll be with her if anything happens which I doubt anything will I'll call you" Jacob said smiling. "Okay thank you. I'll be back tomorrow as early as I can get here" I nod and he walks out of the room. I look down and see that my scars are showing I turn them so they aren't. "Do you mind handing me my flannel I'm cold" he nods but takes off his hoodie and hands it to me. "This might make you feel warmer" I smile and put it on over my hospital gown it was kinda uncomfortable but at least my scars were covered. I haven't cut in a while but the scars are still visible. I lay my head back and closed my eyes. "Tired?" Jacob asked seeing me close my eyes. I just nod. "Before you sleep you should eat" I sigh and nod. He hands me the menu of hospital food and decided to go with a Cesar salad and water. He calls up and orders it.

I finish eating and lay my head back down. I feel my heart start beating for no reason. I quickly sit up only to start feeling dizzy. Jacob notices something is up and takes my hand. "Are you oaky?" I shake my head. My head starts to pound and ears start to ring. He quickly gets up and calls for a nurse. I feel my head roll back and eyes close and everything goes black.

Jacob pov
Nurses run in and quickly attend to her. I'm so confused. She starts shaking like crazy. I try to get closer but a nurse comes and tells me I can't be in here. I was pushed out of the room. I look through the widow but the nurse closed the curtains. I don't know what to do. I quickly grab my phone and call David. He immediately answers.
D- 'is everything okay?'
J- 'how fast can you get here'
D- '3 minuets if I speed. What's going on'
J- 'it's hard to explain over the phone. Can you come?'
D- 'I'm on my way'
I hang up and go into the lobby. I put my head in my hands. I know that I've only knew her for like a day but something in my gut and heart is telling me she's the one. She's the one I need to have. It's crazy I know. But I just care so much about her. David walk in and quickly walks over to me. "What's going on? Is she okay?" I explain what happened and he sighs. He sits down and puts his head in his hand. "Thank you so much for calling me" I nod. "Of course" I said putting my head back.

We've been sitting waiting for the past half hour waiting for some news about Gwen. "Gwendolyn Dobrik" me and David stand up. The lady comes over. "Okay so she's doing just fine. She did loose a lot of blood during the surgery which caused the seizure to happen. Sadly we don't have enough of her blood to give her. Would any of you like to test and see if you have the same blood?" I nod my head. "Me" David and I said at the same time. "Alright. I'll be right back and then we will get the tests done" we both thank her and sit back down. It's not the news we wanted to hear but it was news.

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