Chapter 15

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I make it to the other hospital. I look around and look at all the teens in the dayroom. All eyes fall on me when I walk in. I walk to the far end of the room and sit in a chair and look outside. Everybody is still looking at me. I sigh and look down playing with my sleeves. "Hi I'm Alice" a girl with short blonde hair said sitting next to me. "H..hi" I said shyly. "Don't worry I don't bite" she laughed. I flash a fake smile. "Follow me" she motioned me to stand up. I shyly stand up and follow her. She brings me to a table with 3 other people. "Guys this is...sorry what's your name?" She giggles. "Qwen" i look down at my shoes. "Hi Qwen I'm Saydee" a girl with long brown hair with pericing green eyes said. "Hi I'm Drew" a guy with brown hair that was died blue said smiling. "Hiya im Sofia" a girl with light brown hair and hazel eyes said I nod and smile. "Hi" I said still shy. I sit down and we talk about random things.
3 days later. Finally I get to leave. This place didn't do shit. I'm still depressed. I still wanna die. I pack up my things and sit in the Day room waiting for David to get there. "Qwendolyn Dobrik your brother is here" I say bye to Drew, Alice, and Saydee and go to David. I give him a big hug. "Hey princess" he smiled. "Ready?" I nod he grabbed my bag and we walked to the car. "Hungry?" I nod. "Okay we will get food then I have a surprise for you" he smiles. I laugh. "I hate surprises but okay". We stop at chick-fil-a we decided to eat there because my 'surprise' is still getting ready. "So how are you felling?" I shrug. "I don't know anymore" I said being honest. He sighs. "Let my see your arms" i sigh and show him. "No more cutting please" I don't say anything. I roll my sleeve down and continue to eat. "Qwen please" I sigh. "I can't promise anything David" he sighs. It was silent. "Lets change the subject. What's my surprise?!?" I ask begging him to tell me. "I can't tell you only thing I can say is it was all Toddys idea" I smile. We get into the car and drive to toddys house. I see everyone standing in the front yard with roses. I smile and walk over to them. One by one they hand me a rose. They all lead me to the backyard. But Todd blindfolded me. I felt someone hands take mine. They take my blindfold off. I see Shawn Mendes standing in front of me singing roses. I start crying. I love Shawn so much. He finished the song and took my hand and kissed it. "Omg you're Shawn and omg what is going on" I said start struck. They all laugh. I hug him he hugs me back. "Todd told me you were a huge fan. And when I found out what was going on I had to see you" a huge smile grew in my face. He takes out this guitar. "Lets sing some songs together" I smile I sit in a chair next to him everyone else sits in the ground and listens.
"You're really good Qwendolyn" Shawn said after we sang our 3rd sing that was issues. I smile. "We're gunna give you time alone to talk" David said as the other guys followed David back inside the house. "I heard a lot about you. I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. Just know that I love you and you're strong. Don't let people bring you down. You're beautiful and a amazing singer. Also tell that Rylan dick to fuck off. Keep your head up okay?" I nod and smile. "Okay" a tear shed down my check. I wipe it away. Shawn quickly looked at my wrist. I saw you can see my cuts. I quickly pull my sleeve down. He grabbed my arm and rolls my sleeve up and kisses them. He puts his hand over them. "Don't hurt your self okay" I don't do or say anything. He grabbed a sharpie from his back pocket and wrote his name over them. "This way anytime you wanna cut you think of me and you won't do it" I smile and hug him. We talk for a couple more minutes. "Okay well I have a big day tomorrow I have to get going. I love you and please dm me on Instagram anytime. Don't hurt your self love" he gave me hug and left. I walk inside. I hugged Todd. He hugged me back. "Thank you" I said crying tears of happiness. "You're welcome" i pulled away and smiled at David. "I'm glad you're happy princess" he said hugging me. I smile It was a real genuine smile. We sit down and talk for a while.
We make it home. I've missed this place. I walk into my room to see my phone and laptop on the charger. I smile and grabbed my phone. I go on my phone and see that Shawn has followed me on all my social media accounts. I smile. I take a shower making sure not to rub off Shawn's name in my arm. I change into a hoodie and sweatpants. I throw my hair into a messy bun. I lay down on my bed and watch riverdale on my computer and slowly fall asleep.

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