Chapter 14

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It's the next morning. David wakes me up. "Hey come on we're going to the doctors" I look at him confused. "Why?" he gives me a fake smile. "DNA test" a huge smile came on my face. But then fear. "Am I going to have to see him?" He sighs. "Yes but I'm gunna be there so nothing will happen" I nod. He walks out and I get ready. I put on one of davids hoodies, pants, and vans. I did light makeup and put my hair into a ponytail. "Gwen come on we have to stop to get food" I sigh and grab my phone. "Ready" he could tell I was scared and sad. He gave me a big hug. "Everything is going to be okay. Calm down" I nod.
We just did the DNA samples. Frank walks out and sits next to David. My heart starts beating fast. David is holding my hand. "I'm going to the bathroom" I walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. Tears are falling down my face. I grab my phone out of my pocket and grab the pice of metal from under my case. I did 3 cuts and washed them off. I sigh and cleaned up. I walk back out and sit down. "It's going to be just fine" David whispers in my ear holding my hand slightly tighter. "Gwendolyn and Frank" the nurse said we stand up and follow her to the room. "Okay so I have the results.." I cut her off. "Can I say something before you say them" she nods. I look at Frank. "If this says you're my father just know I never want you in my life. Don't call me, text me, or come to my house" he doesn't say or do anything. "Okay so Frank you are her father" my heart shattered into a thousand pieces. I stand up and walk out. I never want to see him again. David runs after me and hugs me tight. He doesn't let go. Frank walks over. "See little bitch I am your father" I look at him square in the face. "Father? Funny. You're never gunna be my father" he balled his fist. I laugh. "Do it I dear you" David looked at him with threatening eyes. "Listen here you little bitch. How about you just go kill yourself you know I hate you so dose your mom. Your aunt kill her self because of you. Just kill yourself do us all a favor" I just stand there. David gets in his face. "I would suggest you get the hell out before I fuck you up" he rolls his eyes and walks out pissed. "I wanna go home" I said trying not to cry. He nods.
I lay in my bed and cry. Repeating the words my dad said over and over in my head. My mind soon fills with bad thoughts. I start breathing heavy. I sit up tears running down my face. I just wanna die. I just wanna be dead. I hate life. I stand up and just stare at my wall crying. I walk into the bathroom and grabbed the bottle of pills. I grab a handful and swallow them. David walk in and looks at me. He sees the pill bottle. "Gwen...." tears fall from his face. My knees feel weak. I fell darkness slowly come over me. David runs over I fall.
(David pov)
I hear Gwen crying to I run to her room. It's too late. She swallowed a handful of pills. "Gwen.." tears fall from my face. I catch her in my hands. "HELP!!!" Alex runs in. "CALL 911!!!" I hold her calling her name but no response. "There coming" Alex sits next to me crying as well. He holds her and and looks at her helpless body. The ambulance comes and takes her. I quickly get in my car and drive there.
(Gwen pov)
I wake up. I look around I'm in a hospital. Grate it didn't work. I see David walk in. He smiles and sits next to me. He holds my hand and doesn't even say a word. The doctor walks in. "Glad you're awake" I don't say anything. "Okay so here the plan. You're gunna have to be put into a mental hospital for a couple of days so you can get help" my heart stops. I look at David. Tears fall from his eyes. "Is there anything else we can do??" He asked hurt. "Sadly no" my heart stopped. I couldn't hear anyone. My mind went completely blank. I start shaking a lot. I felt davids arm wrap around me. He said something but I can't hear. I start breathing heavy. I felt my eyes start roll back. I suddenly stoped and calmed down my breathing. I open my eyes. "What happened" I asked still trying to catch my breath. "You had a seizure" the doctor said taking my vitals quickly. I nod. David hold my hand tightly. "Okay so in 1 hour we're gong to transfer you to the mental hospital" I sigh and just nod. "I'm sorry. Gwen I'm sorry. I don't want you to go. I really don't" I sigh. "I don't care anymore it's not your fault" he hugs me tight. "Please don't do this again please. I love you. So much" tears fall from my eyes. "Okay...i promise" I don't know if I can keep this promise but I'll try.

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