Chapter 5

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Were eating our food and talking. I start getting really tired. David noticed and ask me if I wanted to go home. I nod and he tells the guys that he will see them tomorrow me head to the car. My crutch sliped in water I almost fell but David caught me. "You okay?" I nod. We get to the car and drive home.I look out the car window the car window untill we got home. We make it home and I go to my room and take a shower. I look down at my legs and grab my blade I do deep cuts and wash the off then I do little less deeper cuts on my wrist. I wash it off and get out of the shower. I put on sweatpants and a hoodie and my hair in a messy bun and take off my make up. I lay on my bed and think and slowly go to sleep.
I wake up and look at my phone 10:30. I slowly get out of bed. I change and get ready for the day. My appointment to get my cast off in in 2 1/2 hours from now. David knocks on my dooring quickly put on my hoddie and open the door. "We have to get food so you ready?" I nod and we start walking out to the car. We start driving to I hop to get breakfast. We walk in and get seated. They took our orders and we talk. "So Gwen you ready for today?" I nod. He smiles I give a little smile. "After your appointment me and you are gunna gunna get your school supplies because you start school monday. The word school scares me ive never got bullied its just new people im nervous. "Then after were gunna go to Liza" I nod. Our food come and we eat and talk about random things. My phone went off I looks at it to see text from unknown numbers I just turn it on silent." Im getting you annew phone and number today" I smile and thank him. We get our check and we have time to kill so we decide to go to the apple store on our way to the appointment. I get an I phone 7. I have him a hug and thank him.
I get my boot and we go to target. Were looking at backbags and make stupid puns like Liza. David goes to the bathroom and im looking at pens and pencils when these group of girls walk up to me. "Oh excuse me are you Gwen dobrik" my anxiety starts getting high. I nod "oh well Ummm can you give David this please" the girl hands mean note and a rose. I nod they smile and walk away. David comes back and note and rose. He smiles and puts them in his pocket. We continue shopping and hanging out. I pick out and couple pairs of jeans and hoodies. We go and check out and we go back to the car. We drive home real fast so I can put my things away and Dabid can check of bailey has food and water since Alex went out. I close my door and put my stuff on my bed. I look at myself in the mirror. I sigh and go out of my room. David is playing around with Bailey. I look at him and smile. "Ready?" I nod and we head out. We make it Lizas and shes dressed like Jet. "Gwen im gunna help her flim okay?" I nod "im gunna ho to the balcony so i can get fresh air tell me when you guys are done" they nod i go to the balcony. I look at the view. I sit on the chair and look around. Soon my head was filled with so many thoughs. I stand up and look down the edge of the balcony. I stand there for 25 minutes my mind is filled with so many bad things. I look at Instagram and look at the comments. "Bro look at how fat she is", "she trys to hard", "no one likes you kill yourself". I suddenly get a text from toddy. "Hey how are you?" I reply "im fine" i lock my phone and looked at the view tears in my eyes. I look down and count how many storys there are. My phone went off agian. I look at the text from todd. "Whats wrong?" I sigh. "Nothing im okay :)" i turn my phone off so i wont get any notification. I wipe the tears and just stare at the view wih a blank expression. Suddenly David comes out and tells me there done.
We decided to go get frozen yogurt. I get starwberry yogurt with mango and mini m&ms david and liza share one and get cookies and cream with cookie dough chunks and mini m&ms. We eat and talk about random things. i decided to turn my phone back on to see 2 text from todd. ":( Gwen i know your not okay" "just know im always here for you" i read it but dont reply. I lock my phone and go back to eating my frozen yogert and talking to liza and david. "So Gwen are you going to make a youtube channel?" Liza asked i shake my head. "I mean i would like to but i just dont really want one i guess" David gives me a concerned look. "So Liza hows freakish going?" I ask changing the subject. "Really good" a smile appers on her face. We start talking about tv shows and movies we like. This girl who lookes around my age walked up and asked for a picture with David and Liza she asked me to take it i take it and as she grabbed her phone she whisped "stop trying so much. No one likes you" she walks off and i sit back down. David and Liza talk about youtube stuff i just sit there eating my yogert and think. "Gwen?" David said getting me out of my thoughs. "Yea" "what do you want for dinner" i shrug "i dont care anything is okay i guess" he nods and we go to chipotle.

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