Chapter 29

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I wake up to the sound of people taking in the living room. I get up and slowly walk out of my room. "Hey honey" a woman said getting up and hugging me. I look at her confused. "Gwen this is mom" I just nod. "I'm going to take a shower" I said softly. I go to my room and lock the door. Why is she here. She doesn't even give a fuck about me. Why would she? I turn on the shower and grab some leggings and cropped hoodie. I take a quick shower. I get out and blow dry my hair. I put my hair in two French braids and do light makeup. I throw on my clothes and walk into the living room. My mom is talking to Jacob while who I'm guessing is David's Dad is just sitting there on his phone. I don't say anything and get a water bottle. "Hey kiddo" he said looking at me. I just give him a small smile. I sit next to Jacob and look out the window. "Alright. Ready to go Gwen?" Mom asked standing up. "Go where?" I asked her then look at David who looked just as confused as me. "With me silly. You're gunna come home" I just laugh. "Funny because where were you when I was a kid? Where were you huh? You just gave me up. You didn't want me. Now you think you can just come in my life and take me away from the person I feel safe with. No I'm not going" I said pissed off. "That is no way to talk to your mother" David's Dad said standing up looking at me. "Don't even try to talk to me. You're not even my dad so you can just fuck off" he just looks at me in shock. "You're such a disgrace Gwendolyn" my mom said looking at me. "I'm a disgrace. Yea okay" I said laughing. Jacob looks at my confused and concerned. "I think you should go" David said looking them mad. "Oh come on David you know it's true. She's the reason my sister killed herself" i just look at her. "Don't you think I know that. I have to deal with that the rest of my life. But you have no right to call me a disgrace. You can leave now because I'm tired of your shit" I said standing up pissed off. David gets up and gesture them out.

It's been a while since they've been gone. I've locked my self in my room avoiding Jacob and David. I hear a knock on the door. I get up and unlock the door. "Hey toddy wants us to come over" I sigh and nod. "Okay" I said softly. I don't wanna leave the house at all. I just wanna stay in my room under my covers crying. He pulls me into a hug. "They aren't worth it. They are never going to be a part of you're life. Okay?" I felt a tear fall from me face. He pulls me away and wipes the tear. I give him a fake smile and put my shoes on and grab my phone. I walk out and see Jacob sitting on the couch. I sit next to him. He looks up and smiles. "Sorry about your mom" he said sad. "Don't worry about it I'm fine" I said giving him a fake smile. "You know you can talk to me bout anything. Right?" I nod. "Thanks" I said softly. "Okay you guys ready?" David said grabbing his keys. "Yea" we both said in unison.

We make it to toddy's house. "Gweeennnnnnn" toddy said nearly jumping on me. I laugh and he gives me a hug. "You must be Jacob" toddy said stern looking at him. "Yes sir" he said kinda scared. "Nice to meet you" toddy smiled. "He's not like Rylan's right?" He said looking at me and David. "Not at all" David said smiling. We go to the couch and just talk and sit there. David gets a call and goes to the back yard. "Foods ready" Scotty yelled from the kitchen. I walk in to see steak, asparagus, mashed potatoes, and corn. I grab some food and get a water bottle. We go to the table and everyone starts eating. David comes in and calls me over to him. I get up and go over. "Here" he hands me his phone. "They want to talk to you" I nod and step outside.
G- "hello?"
H- "hello is this Gwendolyn I'm Harry Sampson you're Father's lawyer"
G- "okay"
H-"you're dad is filling against you and David custody"
G- "what do you mean? He has never had custody for me"
H- "I understand but since he is your biological father and you are underage he can take custody if you"
G- "that's bullshit"
H- "you're court is tomorrow morning at 10:30"
G- "whatever"

I hang up and sighed. This cannot be happening. I go back inside and sit down at the table. Everyone started talking. My anxiety started getting high. I look down at my thumbs. "I'm not hungry" I said getting up from the table and going to the backyard. I grab the basketball shoot some baskets. David come outside. "I'm fine leave me alone" I said knowing what he's going to ask. "Gwen you're not just going to push me out" David said sighing. I don't say anything and just focus on basketball. David grabs it out of my hand. "What the fuck was that for?" I said frustrated. "We need to talk about this" David said trying to get mad. "I just want to help Gwen" he said calmly. "Help with what? I'm fucking fine now leave me the hell alone" I said pissed off. "What's going on?" Toddy said coming outside. "Nothing I'm fine" I said getting angry. I felt my anxiety rise. I run inside and go into the guest room. I close the door and sit in the counter of my room. I hear a knock I don't even bother checking who it is. The door opens. "Hey it's me" Jacob said smiling. Instantly tears fall from my face. He comes over to me and holds me. "It's okay it's okay" I cry into his shoulder. He just lets it happen. He sits with me until I stop crying. David decides that we should go home. The whole ride was quiet.

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