Chapter 13

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We make it home. Alex and David hang out I go to my room. I lay down and stare at the ceiling. I hear a knock on my door. I tell who ever it is that it's open. David walks in and closes the door behind me. "Gwen I have to go some where. I really don't wanna leave you here alone because of the incident a couple days ago. Alex is gunna be here. Please don't do anything I love you." He smiles. I flash a small fake smile. He walks out with Dom. I lay there and stare at the ceiling. I suddenly get a call from a random number.
Unk- hello is this Gwendolyn Dobrik?
I hesitate.
G-ummmm yea.
Unk- hey it's your dad.
My heart sunk.
G- wha...what.
Unk- Hey daughter.
I don't know what to say. I start felling sad. I should be happy but I'm not....
G- I... have to go.
I hang up and throw my phone. I just stand there. Just heart now in my stomach. Alex came running out of his room and into mine. "Gwen what is it?? What's wrong?" He said touching my shoulder. I can't say anything. I fall to my knees and cry. He brings me close to him and hugs me. "I'll call David" he said looking at me worried in his eyes. I nod tears still fall from my face. He sits with me until David comes. He came running into my room. "Gwen what's wrong" he sat next to me mentioning Alex to leave. " dad... called" His face grew with worry and anger. "What did he say" I shake my head. "All he said was that he was my dad and I hung up" he nods. "Good as long as he doesn't come everything should be fine" I look at him. "What happened? Can you tell me what he did?" He sighs. "You have right to know. Okay so when he found out that mom had a husband he demanded that you weren't his. You had a twin.. but he made her abort it. He was going to abort you but my dad didn't want that to happen. So basically he doesn't want you. He's trying to act like he's 'claiming' you so he can either get mom back or kill you. So I don't ever want you near him" my heart stops. Tears fall from my face. I sit there not saying a word. "Can I sleep?" I said finally. He nods I noticed he was crying to. I stand up and give him a big hug. He hugs back. "Good night" he said though tears.
I wake up around 11:40 am. I sigh and get ready for the day not really sure if I'm even gunna do anything. I change into a long sleeve shirt. Sweatpants and and no makeup. I put my hair into a messy bun. I walk into the living room to see David and Alex talking and hanging out. "Morning" Alex and David said at the same time. I just wave and grab a water bottle. I go back to my room. I grab my laptop and watching random YouTube videos. I hear a knock on the door and David answer it. "What the hell are you doing here Frank". My heart stopped. I quickly get up and walk into the living room. Frank looks at me. "Gwen!! Hi baby girl" he walked over to me. I just move back and look at him. "You're not my dad and I'm not your fucking 'baby girl'!" I yelled. Frank looked at me mad/confused. "What do you mean" I roll my eyes. "I want a DNA test" Frank looks at me now with more anger. "Why?" He folded his arms. "Why!! Because you're a fucking disgrace!! You fucking aborted my twin!! You didn't claim me as yours and now look where you are. Standing there in front of me calling me your daughter. I want a DNA test because you said it your self 'I'm not yours'" Everyone looks at me shocked. But Frank has a pissed off mood. He walked over me and slapped me. David grabbed him and pinned him against the wall. "Listen here you piece of fucking shit. You ever come near my little sister again I will fucking kill you" Frank just laughed. "The fuck you gunna do about it?" David face grew red. David punches him in the face. Frank then pushed David into a glass table. Causing David to get hurt. Tears fall down my face. David can't get up as Frank is continually punching David in the face. Alex's grabs frank off then Dom came in the house and didn't even think and helped David up. David had a busted lip. "Get the hell out before I seriously beat the living shit out of you" Alex yelled in Franks face. I just stand there. No words. I'm hurt mentally and physically. I say my brother get beaten up my my so called 'father'. I run over to David he's sitting on the couch. "Gwen are you okay??" I nod. "Yes David I'm fine. Don't worry about me I'm worried about you" he shakes his head. "I'm more worried about your check that is fucking bleeding" he said noting the blood. I grab my phone and look at my cheek. I have a gash on my cheek. "It's nothing" David turns my face so the cut faces him. "Dom can you get the first aid kit" he runs to the bathroom. "David I'm wanna kill him" Alex said pissed off. "We all do" David said looking for gaze. I sigh and look at David. "David I need that DNA test" I sighs. "I know. I'll make sure you get it" he badges my cheek and hold me tight in a hug. I hug back to.

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