Chapter 36

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We make it home and I'm so tired. "I think I'm gunna go to sleep" I said yawning. Jacob pulls me into a hug. "Noo let's watch a movie" I look at him and laugh as he dose his puppy dog eyes. "Fine but let me at lest shower and stuff" He nods and turns in the tv going to Netflix to look at movies. I hop into the shower and quickly wash myself. I get out and change into sweatpants and a long sleeve. I put my hair into a messy bun. I wash my face and go into the living room. Jacob changed into sweats and a t-shirt. I never realized how muscular he is damn I got my self a fit man. He looks at me and smiles. "Ah beautiful as ever madam" he said in a British accent. I laugh and sit next to him. "How's the breakfast club" I nod strongly agreeing. I'm a sucker for that movie.

We watch it and I start feeling very tired. I try and keep my eyes open but they keep closing. Jacob noticed a smiled "you can fall asleep if you want" he said looking at me. I nod and close my eyes. He wraps his arm around me and I slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake up in my bed. I'm guessing that Jacob put me in here last night. His apartment is finally getting finished today. I don't want him to go back though. I'm gunna miss him too much. "Hey sleepy head" Jacob said as I enter the kitchen. "Hey" I said yawning. "Do you have to go back your apartment" he shakes his head. "Nah I don't wanna go back there" he said shrugging. "That why I'm moving in" he said smiling. "Wait what?" I asked shocked. "Yes David said I can move in" I give him a big hug. "Wait are you gunna be on the couch still?" He shakes his head. "No I'm gunna be in your room" i nearly squeal in excitement. "Yea because I trust you and I know you won't don't anything he can stay in your room" David said making breakfast. I don't even notice he was there. "Oh I don't notice you were right there" I said laughing. "Here love birds" David said handing us a plate of food. We both start eating.

It's been a couple of hours we decided to go to the boys house for a while to hang out. I go and change into some jeans and a vlog squad t-shirt and my vans. I go into the living room and David and Jacob are already ready. We head outside. I think I underestimated the weather because I'm freezing. It's already too late to go back and get a jacket so I just decided to suck it up. "You're shaking here" Jacob said handing me his jacket. "No you're gunna be cold" I said trying to hand back his jacket. "No I'm okay take it" I said denying it back. I quickly put it on.

We make it to there house and we say hi to everyone and sit down on the couch. Jacob has his arms around me. I was playing with my necklace not paying attention to what's going on around me. "Sound good Gwen?" David said pulling me away from my thoughts. "Huh?" I said looking at him. "I'm gunna blind fold you" He said not wanting to repeat himself. I look at him crazy. "Why me why not Jason" i said pointing to him. "Oh no" Jason said laughing. Toddy blind folds me. "I hate you guys" I said laying on the ground. "Okay don't move so much okay?" David said as he put something on me. I feel it moving around. I scream and Instantly move. "No stop don't move" David said laughing. "David get it off" I said but he want listening. "It starts moving closer to my arms. "David!" I yell freaking out. I hear it hiss. Oh fuck no. "DAVID!" I yell frantically moving. He takes off my blind fold and I see a huge snake on me. "DAVID GET IT OFF!" I yell as it moves closer and closer to my arm. "Don't move so much Gwen" he said trying to calm me down. Suddenly it bites me I scream. "Shit don't move" David said sitting down his camera. The snake handler comes in and gets the snake off of me. As soon and it was off I run into Jacobs arms. "It hurts so much" I said trying to to cry. "Baby let me see it" he said grabbing my arm slightly as not to hurt it. It's badly bleeding. "Its not poisonous right?" Jacob asked David who was taking to the guy who brought the snake. "No it wasn't" at least that's good. The pain really started to kick in. I bite my lip so that I wouldn't cry. Jacob looks at me with sad eyes. "I know baby I know" toddy comes in with a first aid kit. "This may sting" he said putting some rubbing alcohol on the bite. It hurts so much I bury my face into Jacobs chest. Toddy finish's cleaning it up and puts some glaze and tape over it so it can stop bleeding. I sit back down and snuggle next to Jacob. "I'm sorry" David said signing. "It's okay" I said giving him a small smile.

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