Chapter 19

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I wake up on my bed. I sigh and rub my eyes. "Gwen get up" I hear David yell from his room. "Why??" I yell tired. He doesn't say anything. I roll my eyes and go into the bathroom. I looks at my self in the mirror and sigh. I take a shower and change into legging and a hoodie. I put my hair into a ponytail and walk into the living room. David is sitting on the couch watching tv. "Where are we going?" I grabbed a water bottle. "Zane and Heath wants us to come over" I nod and put on my jandles. "Dave" he nods and looks at me. I was gunna ask him about mom. But I decided not to. "Can we stop and get breakfast" he smiles and nods. We get into the car the drive was quiet. We make it to this little cafe. "So how are you?" He asked as the waiter bring out food. "I'm okay I guess" he nods. "When do I go back to school?" He looks up at me "I'm not sure yet. I don't want anything to happen. I might put you in a online school" I smile and nod. We talked and eat.
We make it to Zane and Heaths we're talking and hanging out. "I'll be right back I forgot something" David said smirking and grabbing his keys. "What did you leave? You brought everything up" he laughs and goes to his car. I look at Zane and Heath the just look away. I roll my eyes. "So baby how are you?" Heath asked sitting next to me "I'm okay" i flash a fake smile. David walks in with a blindfold. "Gwen I'm gunna blindfold you" he said so casually. "Wait...what??" I asked confused. "You're gunna go into the bathroom blindfolded and I'm gunna bring you out when I have the surprise set up" fear comes on my face. "Zane... Heath.... help me!!" They laugh. "No can do a baby" I sigh and David blindfolds me and takes me into the bathroom.
David walks in after like 15 minutes of me waiting. he brings me into the living room area. "Will it hurt me?" He laughs. "Maybe" i hear laughter from the guys. "David I'm scared" he lets go of my hand. "Okay take it off" I slowly take on my blindfold to see a snake. A FUCKING SNAKE!!! I scream and run to the couch. "David!!! Omg!!" He grabs the snake and throw it toward to. I scream and jump on Zanes back. "Gwen omg" Heath yelled laughing. "Get it away from me" David laughs and puts it away. "Okay okay" I jump off Zane back. "I hate you" I punch David in the arm. "You love me" he flashed a cheeky smile. "Yea yea yea whatever" I laugh. "I need cigs" Heath said grabbing his last cig and lighting it. "You always need cigs" he grabs me by the neck and gave me a noogie. "Thanks for messing up my hair" I rolled my eyes and put it into a ponytail. "I'm going to the store do any of y'all need anything?" We all shake our heads. Heath leaves and we all hang out and talk about random shit.
We're all vlogging and laughing when Zane gets a text message. "What the hell" tears welled up in his eyes. "Woah what happened?" David asked as he put away his vlog camera. "Heaths in the hospital. He got in a accident" at that moment everything around me went blank. I couldn't hear. I couldn't breathe. I start shaking like crazy. I see David say something to me but I couldn't hear. Zane quickly run out of the house. My heart starts breathing faster and faster. I felt David grab my hand. I keep looking down not having the strength to look up. I slowly get on only to hit the floor and black out.
I wake up on the floor and David putting a cold washcloth on my forehead. "What happened" I asked tired. "You had a really bad anxiety attack and passes out" I nod. David helps me on the couch. "We have to go check on Heath but are you gunna be okay to go?" I nod. He takes my hand and we walk to the car. The whole car ride was silent and not a good silent. We make it to the hospital and David asks for Heaths room. We fast walk to him room. I look at him on his bed. It was like seeing a ghost. He's face was pale. He had a oxygen mask on. His eyes were closed. Tears fall down my face quickly. I look around and see Zane crying and holding his hand. I walk over to him and give him a big hug. He returned the favor. "He's going to be okay" he nods and I let go sitting next to him. "What did the doctors say?" Zane looked at David then back down at Heath. "He's unconscious right now that's all they know" David nods and sit down next to me. The rest of the visit was silent.
(An- thank you all so much for the support on this book it means a lot!!)

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