Chapter 23

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I wake up to David shaking me slightly. "Hey your appointment is in a hour get up and get ready" I nod and slowly get up. I go into the bathroom and take a shower. I change into a hoodie and leggings. I look in the mirror I look like death. I sigh and walk into the living room where everyone was. I started to fell really dizzy. I catch myself on the couch. "Woah you okay?" David said taking my arm to make me steady. "Yea I'm good" he nods and grabs his keys and we leave. I feel like complete shit the whole time in the car. I have a high fever and I feel like I'm gunna throw up.

We finish at the doctors I was given medicine. I hope that helps but I don't know. We make it back him I go to my room and lay down. To see someone I never wanted to see in my life... my 'dad'. I tried to walk out of my room but her ran to the door and locked it. How did he even get in the house? How did David not see him?? I'm so confused and scared right now. I can't move I can't scream it feels like I'm paralyzed. But I'm not. He pushes me in the bed and covers my mounts. I try to scream but it's muffled. I start crying a lot. The takes his belt and look me up and down. I bit his hand and screamed as loud as I could. He the gets in top of me and hold me down. David bust though the door. He throws him off of me and notices what he was trying to do. My dad gets up and tries to punch David but he blocked it. He punches him multiple times in the face until he's hurt on the floor unable to move.

David gets him out of the house. He walks over to me and sits next to me. I look at him scared and crying. "It's okay" he said hugging me. He feels my forehead and sighs "you're burning up lay down and get some sleep okay?" I nod and fall asleep.

"See you later Gigi" I smiled walking outside. She runs after me and I stop at look at her confused. She tools up her sleves and I see multiple cuts on her arm. I look. At her scared and confused. "It's your fault" I shake my head and start crying. "Your fault" he said screaming. "My fault" I whispered. "My fault" I yell crying. I wake up out of breath and crying I sit up and David runs into my room. He comes over and hold me. "Shhh shhh you're okay everything's fine it was just a nightmare" I cry I go his chest. He lays me down. He gets up I look at him "can you stay please" he nods and lays next to me hugging me. I fell so safe.

Next morning I wake up and David isn't there I sigh and get up and look into the mirror my hair is tangled and messy. I grab a hair tie and throw my hair into a bun. I sigh and walk out to see David playing video games and Alex feeding Bailey. "You need take your medicine" David said pausing his game he gets up and hands me my pill. I take it and he goes back to his game. I sigh and go to my room. I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling and enter my mind. 'Maybe if you won't so annoying people would like you' 'ugly fat pig' 'die' 'no one loves you' 'she died and it's all your fault' I sigh and sit up. I grab laptop and watch YouTube videos to make me feel better.

(If there are mistakes sorry I'm lazy and don't want to go fix them lol and sorry for the short chapter thank you for the support ❤️❤️)

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