Huit: Emergency Department

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They have been sharing the house for five days in a row. Though it was becoming a hassle for Seff to live on the same house with a woman, he needed to extend his patience to get her out of the unit. He does not see any intention on her end to come out clean and he doesn't have any plan either to tell her that he knows.

He stayed on the bed the previous night and he was still sleepy that Sunday morning. He needs to see his family that afternoon but still has a lot of time to think about it.

Bea was already out of the room when he woke up. Where she is, he does not know, he does not care. He was about to get another hour of sleep when he heard the doorbell rang. He heard someone open the door so he knew Bea is outside but who would possibly visit them this early? His mother is at home and she might be...

Mom! Damn.

His mind suddenly got alerted and stood up from the bed. He brushed his hair with his hands and rushed to get out of the room.

"Who d- " he cut his statement when he saw who was in.

The two women - the older and the younger versions - were both left open mouthed with his sudden appearance.

"Uhm... M-Mom... I'm sorry, I didn't tell you about him..." she was trying to come up with some lies. She was startled to see him awake when she hasn't even recovered yet from the shock seeing her mother on his - or her - doorstep.

"Is he your boyfriend, Beatrice?" the older version asked.

"Boyfriend?!" he reacted right away, looking at Bea.

"Yes!" she answered the same time he did. She avoided his stare.

"What?" Seff.

"I know him," her mother all of a sudden said.

It was Seff's turn to be frozen from where he was standing. The tension Bea was feeling seemed to have been transferred to Seff.

"What?!" It was Bea then. "Wait, wait. This is confusing. We all talk at the same time. How did you know him?"

"He's the one who told me where your unit is. I didn't know you are sharing it with him," her mother answered.

Bea nodded. "Yeah... Of course," she said, looking at him. "Can you excuse us for a while? We just need to talk."

When her mother nodded, Bea immediately pulled him inside the room. Knowing they are already out of earshot, she talked to him.

"Why didn't you tell me that you met my Mom?" she confronted him.

Seff gave her a silly smile. "Why don't you tell me why your mom is here when she should be resting at home after having nervous breakdown? Don't tell me your dad's gonna be here anytime soon too?"

Bea took a deep breath. "I asked you first so answer my question," she hissed.

"Because I didn't want to tell you," he simply answered. "I was waiting for you to tell me what's true. Now answer my question."

"Bea?" they didn't realize that her mother was already on their bedroom's doorstep.

Bea stood up straight. "Pretend and just do what I say," she said before she turned to face her mother. "Mom?"

"I do not want to sound intrusive, I know I don't have a right to ask you but are you already living with him?" her mother asked her.

"Uhm..." Bea stood beside Seff and wrapped her arm around Seff's back and secretly pinched him. "I guess so."

"You have any househelp?"

"No," she answered. "We can manage the chores."

"Then why do you have that comforter on the floor?"

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