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I'm not Dada and Mama's. Genetically.

But the bond that I have with them is beyond what science and genetics can explain.

I was hurt and jealous when Leb came but Dada never made me see it that way. I am still his little boy who would help him look after his other little boy.

I love Mama and Dada more than I can imagine.

Being a doctor who deals with cancer patients is not an easy thing. We lose lives most of the time and what we can only do is palliative, not cure. I detach my emotions from work. Otherwise, I'll be out of my mind at the end of the day.

Days went by and I have been busy attending to patients. I have completely forgotten about my other responsibilities for the past days but I guess it was meant to be for a doctor. I was reading a case when one of the resident doctors came up to me and consulted me something.

He wanted me to check the results of a biopsy.

"Malignant Carcinoma. Stage 4," I simply said after looking at the description of the biopsy. It was very evident that the patient has Stage 4 bone cancer. Other organs got affected too.

The resident just stared at me without saying anything.

"What? You doubt what I said?" I asked him back.


"Then what else do you need?"

"Please look at it," he told me and I grabbed the papers again on my table. It looked the same and nothing changed.

Until something captured my eyes.


Everyone has been busy preparing for Dada and Mama's wedding and I know Dada was also counting on me on that wedding.

It was two weeks away from the wedding date and Mama already fitted her dress the previous day. Dada too is very excited like the rest.

Except me.

"Deep thoughts?" I didn't notice that she was already standing beside me.

"Yes," I said and took a deep breath.

"Would you mind bringing me out on a date?" she asked.

"No. When do you want Ma?" I asked her.

She smiled at me while watching my Dada. "Would tonight work?"

"No but I will make it a yes for you," I answered.

"Because you don't want to fail me?" she smiled. "Because you know my secret?"

I embraced her for a long time. "No. Because I love you."

We ended dining in her favorite restaurant. Dada was surprised when I asked for his permission to go out with Mama Bea that night but he agreed.

She looked blooming and happy as always. When the waiter handed her the menu, she knew by heart what to get herself and me.

"Mama, you know that you are not supposed to eat that," I reminded her when she ordered something that couldn't be easily digested.

"Shh," she silenced me and thanked the waiter as he left. She fixed the utensils beside her plate. "How bad?"

"Bad what?" I asked her.

"Babe, I know that you know," she smiled. "That was the main purpose why I went to your hospital. I wanted you to tell me what you need to tell me without having any BS, no false hopes."

I took a deep breath. We haven't talked about anything yet but it already felt heavy. I already died before I admitted that I knew it.

I couldn't stop my tears from forming and I hid my face with my hands.

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