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A name that meant beautiful blessing.

I am the youngest among three and I am a child prayed for by my parents.

They were happy with Teah and Leb but somehow, Mom wanted another one and Dad felt the same way too. There was no reason not to. They knew they can give me what a person needs to simply become a good man. I have a happy family and we have a stable income. Dad and Mom can support us financially if that's ever going to be an issue.

Like what I said, Mom and Dad prayed hard to bring me to life. God heard their prayers and while Mom and Dad were busy at the garden one weekend, she felt dizzy. Dad was quick enough to catch her and made her take her seat. I didn't intend to break down my presence to her that way but the symptoms just suddenly came up even before I got the chance to plan for a grand entrance.

So, Mom thought it might be what they have prayed for and without telling anyone about it like what happened to Teah, it was only the two of them who went to the OB-Gyne. Sure enough, Mom was really happy to find out that she's giving life to another gift. When the doctor gave the news, Mom was so happy I know she's happier than she was when she found out she has Leb, my brother who is 8 years older than I am.

Dad sent out cards to everyone informing them of the good news and as expected, it was a fiesta the following Sunday.

Teah was the excited one and she would always come up to Mom and press her ears to her tummy as if I would tell her something if she does. Besides, she's too loud she bothers me when I sleep. But she's sweet and all that because she always tells me that she loves me. Leb is my big kuya and he's of course doing what he has to do being the eldest but I felt his warmness. He took care of Mom in his simple ways and he was excited to play basketball with me.

Dad on the other hand was very attentive that he wanted to make sure that Mom's always okay. He wanted her to stay at home if he could but of course, Mom wouldn't allow herself to be away from work.

Cravings. That I didn't give Mom too much that's why until now, Mom would always say that Teah is the one who gave her the hardest time while she was pregnant. I gave her some mild nausea once in a while but other than that, I am the nicest and most behaved kid.

If my brother and sister knew what their first picture was, me I do not know. I am either torn between my scalp or my face. I don't really know which part of me came out first. I might not have given Mom cravings but I did give her some trouble when she was having labor. It wasn't like it was my fault. I wanted to get out but I couldn't find the way then.

I remember Mom crying and kissing me when she first saw me. I was happy to finally see her face that close. I have loved her since the time that I learned of my existence. She took care of herself well for me, would follow doctor's orders, had regular check ups, and she always talked to me. Dad does the same thing when he goes home from work.

They named me Addien Bent. Bent is how everyone calls me except for grandma. She calls me baby love.

Because I was born on their wedding date.

Being the youngest, I was spoiled by Mom and Dad but it was nothing compared to the way my grandma spoiled me. I know she named cupcakes after the others in combo but with me, I had a cupcake named after me alone. She would always be on our home to be with me, sometimes she picks me up at home and brings me to the bakeshop. Maybe it's because my other cousins are already growing up and she wanted a young one who couldn't say anything yet.

Dad took care of me really well and he would always make it a point to carry me and walk around the subdivision for around 30 minutes. Sometimes, Leb goes with him and would ask Dad if he would allow the two of us play basketball. Teah would always ask Dad if I can try the cookies that they bought. Thank you loud sister. I'm afraid I would choke.

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