Vingt et Quatre: Food Allergies

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What she gave him was a game set of Rock Me Archimedes, one of the board games he was dying to have but couldn't find one. He had it placed on top of his working table as soon as Monday came and didn't take it out of his sight.

Before he went to his office, he dropped by to see her since she would be attending the second hearing regarding Camila's case. He just wished her to do good and he will wait for an update on the television.

He was still working on the latest proposal submitted to him when someone came knocking on his door. He was surprised to see Bianca.

He has forgotten about her.

"Hi," she smiled at him and placed the coffee she has at hand. "How have you been? How was your birthday?"

"Thanks," he answered and did not touch his cup of coffee. He paused to think of the best answer to her question since he had been thinking of explaining the situation to her without hurting her too much. Though he knows it is impossible.

"I'm good," he simply answered.

"How was your birthday?" she asked him.

"It's fun. I was with my family," he said.

"That's great news. I am glad you enjoyed the place," she said. "Seff, I hope you don't mind me asking this... I just want to know."

"What is it?"

"When will you introduce me to your parents?" she asked him. "I'm not rushing or anything but it's been a while since Bea moved out of your house and there's no reason for you to pretend that you're in love with her. We need to give them time to rest before you introduce me to your family."

Here it is.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to say this to you Bianca," Seff took a deep breath and took a long moment of silence. "We need to talk. Dinner if we may please."

Seff and Bianca settled on a seat farthest from the people inside a Spanish restaurant in Mandaluyong. There weren't a lot of people and it gave him a chance to relax and not worry about the situation. Bianca kept on talking about her weekend while he just nodded, thinking of how to deliver his own lines.

"So, you told me you need to tell me something?" she asked him, that time done with their dinner.

Seff couldn't look at her straight in the eye. He drew a deep breath. "Bea was with us last weekend," he started and paused to see her reaction.

"Oh," she was surprised to find out. "So... Your parents are not aware of the real situation..."

Seff shook his head. "I'm sorry I haven't told you."

"When are you planning to tell them?" she asked him. She was feeling scared at that moment and she knew that she wouldn't really like Seff's answer. But a tiny part of her was wishing she would.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I d-don't think I'll take it back. I'm trying to make it r-real."

Bianca immediately dropped her utensils which caused a cluttering sound and kept her hands on her ears to prevent herself from hearing anything. Her face looked pained and she was fighting the urge to cry.

"I didn't hear anything. I'm not hearing you out," her voice trembled. "No, no, no. I'm not hearing you."

"Bianca," he felt bad for her and moved to the space beside her to hold her hands. "I'm sorry."

She shook her head badly. "No. You're just out of your mind. Just because you lived with her doesn't mean you'll fall in love with her. I can stay with you on your place and I promise, you'll choose me."

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