Vingt et Six: Autopsy

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They were a picture of a happy family. Both Cali and Gavin were wearing their swimming attires, fully geared with their floaters and goggles. Both know how to swim after attending swimming lessons together while Bea and Seff looked after them. She wore her black two piece and Seff was more conscious than she is.

They went to the waters and watched the two kids challenge each other in performing stunts while swimming. Cali was good in diving, Gavin was better when it comes to the swimming styles.

"Okay, let's play a game," Bea told them.

"What game?" they asked her excitedly.

"It's a game called, Save the Victim," she smiled. "Tito Seff and I would be the victims. You have to rescue us, otherwise we will drown. Whoever gets to save the victim faster will have a prize from me."

"What's the prize?" they asked.

"What do you want?" she asked them.

"We'll bury in the sand whoever loses!" Gavin suggested.

"Nice idea baby! I like that," she said. "Come on, let's see who saves who."

Gavin ended up as Bea's life savior, and Cali as Seff's. The two were on the deeper part of the water while the two would start from the shore and run to get to them. Seff was counting.

"...and one!" he said.

Cali and Gavin immediately ran from the shore going to where the two stood. They pretended to be drowning while waiting for the two to get to them. Being bigger than Cali, Gavin got to save Bea first and pulled her with him while going back to the shore.

"Go Cali! Dada's waiting!" he shouted and the two did the same as soon as he caught his Dada's hand.

"I won!" Gavin said while holding Bea's hand. "Let's have another round!"

The four of them continued racing in saving the two. They had five rounds and the two would swim somewhere else to lose them on their tracks. In the end, Bea and Gavin won against Seff and Cali. As a consequence, Seff and Cali would have to be buried on the sand. Bea started working on Cali's and Gavin was burying his uncle.

"Ma! Tito Seff's destroying it!" Gavin complained. He was trying to cover his body but everytime that Seff moves, it causes a crack.

"Tell your uncle that Mama told him to stop," she told Gavin even if Seff can hear her.

"Gavin, tell your Mama that I'm not scared," Seff said.

"Tell him he wouldn't dare try," she said. "And I mean it."

"Uncle?! Did you hear what she said?" Gavin turned to him while working on the sand.

"Yeah, I heard your Mama. She's really a brat, Gavin," he told his nephew.

"Uncle, if you and Mama has a baby, I know that it would be like her too," he said.

"Gavin? Can you finish Cali's please so I can just have your uncle buried deep somewhere else?" she asked and moved to where Seff was lying. Gavin went to Cali and finished it.

She pinched him. "Ikaw, kung ano sinasabi mo sa mga bata!"

Seff laughed. "I can say that because it's true. I like what you're wearing by the way."

Bea blushed instantly with his comment. "Gusto mo bang pati yung mukha mo ibaon ko sa buhangin?"

"No. Seriously, you look damn good," he smiled at her.

Bea shook her head, took a big pile of sand and patted it on his face before leaving with Gavin.

"You still alive buddy?" Seff turned to Cali.

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