Vingt et Trois: Tricuspid Heart Valve Replacement

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No one spoke as they walked back to the inn where they were staying. Seff knew it would be best to have Bea be alone for a while for things to sink in while he's making things right. He knew he needed to fix his status if he has the intention of pursuing her. Bea has all the right to think that he would be doing the same mistakes that the men important to her did. It was, again, magic to know and realize that love has presented itself in the most unexpected form, at its most unfriendly way.

She is a bright and sensible person, has logic, and has common sense. Only that she is cold hearted. He is the patient and understanding man, has a good heart, but scared when it comes to love. He never knew he was falling until she disappeared.

It was weird that the realization came flowing all of a sudden, in an instant, in a snap. And it was too late. He might be happy now if the days they spent on his unit were happy and laughing memories. These are his could have beens.

They have a reservation made at Bistro Timotea that night and also a gift-giving time for them. He wasn't looking forward to it since all he wanted was to have the woman go with them and celebrate his birthday with him. He was waiting for her outside her room when she opened it. Together, they walked going to the said restaurant without any word filling them in.

Food was ready as soon as they arrived. The two kids were running around, with Gavin scaring Cali with the crab he was holding.

Bea was quick enough to stop Gavin. The disciplinarian side of her came up and he was already saying his apologies to his cousin the next minute. They went to their table and started their dinner. It was bountiful and noisy, everyone having a good time with what was in front of them.

Seff did not say a word but voluntarily removed the skin from the shrimp and offered it to Bea. He took the meat out of the crabs and gave it to her. All she needed to do was chew.

There was live music playing at the background and while they were all having fun, Raffy whispered something to Ethan and excused herself. She headed straight to the stage.

"Good evening everyone," she said and tapped the microphone. "I hope everyone's having a good time and I just want to take this chance to do something really special to someone I love."

They all looked where she was standing, with her bulging belly of six months old.

"He's the best man next to my husband I know of. He gave me and my first born all that he could and you know what, if I have to donate my organs to him, it would never pay back what this man did for me. You are my soul mate, Seff Yu. Contrary to what they say, it's not my husband. He's my fate but you will always be my platonic love," she smiled. "Happy birthday Dada and this is for you."

The guitar started strumming and Raffy sang along with it.

I hope the days come easy

And the moments pass slow

And each road leads you

Where you want to go

He smiled as he watched her sing and take the stage. It has been a while when he heard her last sing. It was way back the time that they were in Maryland.

And if you're faced with the choice

And you have to choose

I hope you choose the one

That means the most to you

It was funny that he was broken before because of her and in an attempt to forget, he drowned himself with work and set himself up on some relationship that he couldn't grow.

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