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It is rare that people live beyond a hundred years of age. It is normal for people to experience trials in life and how it is dealt with varies. People die, couples divorce, relationships get destroyed, teenagers get pregnant.

Leb believed that it isn't really a pleasant world to live in and everyone knew that. The only difference though is that the three of them believed in a certain power called love because they have seen it on their parents, on their uncles and aunties, on their cousins, on their late grandparents.

Teah has always been proud of her parents and family and she would always show her love to them without hesitations and made it a point to always remind them about it. She grew up seeing them as her role model.

Bent is simply a replica of Beatrice's face and Seff's talent. He grew up as a happy child with much compassion and discipline. He was not as expressive as Teah but he always showed he love his parents. He believed that the way he treats his parents would be the same way he would be treated by his own kids in the future.

They eventually grew up and kept what they have learned in life. They found their respective partners, got married, and shared the joys of marriage and parenthood with the whole family. They built their own families and kids and though they lived on different places, Teah being out of the country most of the time, they made it a point to meet at least once a month wherein they have to be complete. Most Sundays are days that Teah wouldn't make it because of work.

Bea was on the garden trimming the plants when Teah suddenly appeared out of nowhere and immediately hugged her mother. Seff was behind her.

"Teah?" Bea was surprised. "I thought you have a flight going to Dubai? Leb told me you'll be home next month."

"Mom, I missed you and I want to see you and Dad so I asked Brian to set me free for a while," she laughed. "I missed you!"

Bea hugged her warmly and smiled. "I missed you my little lady," she said. "How long will you be home?"

"A long time Mom. I'll be around for maybe four weeks. Anyway, Dad said that you have been busy with your flowers?"

Bea nodded. "When you grow old, be retired, and have kids who constantly give you money, life gets boring and all you can do is stay at home and find something to do. This is what I found."

Teah nodded in understanding. "We're giving you money because we want you and dad to enjoy."

"Teah, I have savings. Mom is old. Come on honey, I'm on my late 70s now. We can't go to the mall as often as we used to do."

"That wouldn't work for me," Teah shook her head. "How about this one? We can bring your wheelchair, I'll bring you to the mall so we can have some pampering done? Hollie is coming with us."

"She got your genes, huh? She loves girly stuffs too," Bea commented. Who would have imagined she would have a grand daughter now on her late teenage years?

"Mom, mana lang yan. Nagmana ako sayo. Nagmana si Teah sa akin," she said. "You're saying yes?"

"Madali na akong mapagod. Maybe you and Hollie can rather go and bond," Bea smiled at her. "I'll be fine here with my plants."

"Mom? I've been away for such a long time. Can you give me this one please?" she begged. "We'll bring the wheechair and the nurse. There's no need to fuss."

"Ask your dad if he wants to go. Your dad is as bored as I am. Nagsasawa na sa akin yan. Ako lang lagi ang kasama," she smiled.

"I wouldn't go girls. This is a girl bonding," Seff smiled at them. "You can go Beatrice. I'll be fine here. Pagbigyan mo si Teah."

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