Dix-Neuf: Heart Murmurs

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Distractions are unavoidable happenings in one's life that you have no way of escaping. They come at the most unexpected chances, a time when it is not supposed to happen. It takes your time and mind away from something that you are working on real hard. It is something that arrives when you don't need it.

And that's what James has been giving Beatrice Sy the moment that they first laid their eyes on each other. It seemed like a long time ago when they first met and said their I love yous to each other but the pain he brought her seemed to linger than what she has expected.

He was her inspiration, her first love, the biggest one, and might be the last. They stopped talking five years ago, the same time that Bea stopped believing that men are the entities you can find inside an armour. A time when Bea started believing that an armour should be a mirror - what you can see when you look at it is your face and body, covered with metals and chains.


He loved her too much. She did the same too. They were a couple envied by everyone. She wasn't the prettiest in school but she was the brightest. He was the most admired on his batch and the richest. He need not to study. He only needed to continue living and inherit. He was the best catch during his times but he was the one who got trapped with her charm. They were happy, he stayed beside her when she went thru the toughest times of her life.

Then all of a sudden, she needed to leave him and move on. It was a painful event in her life when he was the only one she turns to when something happens. The number of years that they have been together were all gone.

Now that she has already shut her system off to everyone and anyone, James comes back to life as if she did nothing to hurt him. What would happen between them, she does not know.

But did she completely shut her system off?

She stood among the crowd of people all busy with their lives. It was noisy and busy and she remained quiet just in one place while she waited. Shortly, she saw him approaching her way. He has the same built, same facial features, same eyes. The same rugged handsome man she met years ago who could have been the father of her kids if only it happened.

He gave her a wry smile as he stood in front of the woman he loved.

"It's been a while," he said.

Bea just nodded and gave him the same awkward smile. "It has really been a while. I hope you've been good."

He laughed and bowed his head as if he was saying no. "Want to do the same things with me?"

She nodded.


Seff was having an idle time at work not because he has time. Rather, he seemed not in the mood nor in the momentum to start any work. He had lunch with Bianca and tried playing games on his phone to make himself feel guilty but nothing changed. He wanted to do something more challenging and something to stimulate his mind.

He held his phone as if waiting for something when it rang like what he wanted. Only that he was disappointed with the name that came up on the screen.

"What is it Ava?"

"Wow, why did you sound so irritated at this time dear brother?" she recognized his tone.

"I'm working. I'm busy," he lied.

"Fine, I'm sorry. I was just wondering if you have time to go with me. Mom's wanting to make some changes with the bakeshop and I need to buy some items. I need a driver and an alalay," she told him.

"Ava, can you ask Ethan or Paul? I can't go," he continued lying.

"Nope. Hubby's working on something real urgent. Ethan's taking care of Raffy," she told him. "I need you to go with me."

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