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To my first born,

Do you know how happy I am when I found out I was having you?

It felt like the world wanted to crash me into million pieces. The happiness was too constricting it made me want to stop breathing. The happiness was simply heavy and overflowing. Please don't take it negatively. It's just that if Mom can carry 50 kilos of happiness, you gave me 50 tons.

I am proud of what you have become. I am proud of you, every little thing you did. At first, I thought that my success depends as to who you become. Then when you got married, I realized it's how you bring up your kids and rear your family. And as I write this, I realized that I would never be able to say all the things that would measure my success. I might say it is what you have become but maybe it would always depend as to what God's going to tell me. I don't have a stable basis for it but I'm contented and glad that I have you. That alone is a success.

My little boy, you never gave me a hard time. You have always been wonderful and handsome. Thank you for helping me rear our family. I know you will do the same to yours.

Please remember that the only way there is to make a relationship last like mine and Dad is to put God at the center of it. I know you are doing the same.

Leb, whatever comes your way, God always has a good reason for it. Never falter, never give up. Cry and be thankful, praise and continue loving.

I'm proud of you and I love you. My heart is always with you, know that.




To my cheerleader Teah,

You brought the fun and laughter in the family. When dad and I are not in good terms, you knew what to do to make us okay. You always knew how to make the place go lighter.

I am scared to have a baby girl because I am scared of the time that I will have to hand you over to the man you will marry. Your dad felt the same too. He might not have told you but he wanted to back out from attending your wedding. I laughed hard that time because he was being silly.

I convinced him to go and I know he was pained and happy at the same time. We're both relieved that you made a good choice. Your dad's sacrifice of letting you go as his little girl paid off. Now, we're both comfortable that you will always be in good hands.

Thank you for bringing life to Hollie. She might be your only child but you did really good. I know we didn't have much time together comparing it to Leb and Bent, but it never diminished nor lessen the love Mom has for you.

Please continue to cheer your dad up at all times, whatever comes our way.

I love you honey. You will always be my princess.




To my youngest,

You are our biggest blessing Bent.

You might be our youngest, we might not have spoiled you but you should know that you are the biggest blessing for me and your dad. You know well we prayed for you and when it was granted, I and Dad felt like you are a proof that God loves us a lot, that we've lived according to His words.

Addien Bent, you are so like your father. I know we will always argue like what I and Dad does but like Dad, I love you too much son. Do you know how glad and excited he was when he found out you wanted to become a basketball player? It was early for retirement but he simply wanted to stop so he can always go and watch your games. Dad has ditched a lot of meetings just so he can see you play. He might have told you he was free but he wasn't. That serves as a little secret between you and I.

Between the three of you, I've always had my worries about you. I was so scared that something might happen to you whenever you play. Yes, something happened once or twice, but I'm happy you surpassed them all.

Thank you for giving me a granchild. Please take care of Walter. He reminds me too much of your dad.

I love you so much Bent. I would always be here for you wherever I am.



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