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My heart goes shalala lala,

Shalala in the morning

I do not have an idea about this Shalala song that I hear on a daily basis.

Was that from the 70s? 80s?

I do not know where Mom got that song out of nowhere after she heard it. I've been living peacefully for the past weeks unnoticed until some Sunday morning when she heard my grandma sing that song. Grandma doesn't sing well but she's adorable and all that so I'm fine hearing her sing it.

Oh oh oh shalala lala,

Shalala in the sunshine.

Then when she and dad woke up one rainy afternoon of a weekend, Mom was at the point of threatening Dad to have an annulment.

"Seff?!" she shouted. Dad was getting out of their room to avoid the pending argument. They were still staying that time on his condo since the house that they want is still being built by Tita Akira and Tito Anthony's team.

"Bea, please?" Dad sounded tired and helpless. I was silently listening, both of them not knowing I can hear them. They go on first name basis whenever they argue. "No."

"Do you really want us to file for an annulment huh, Yu?!" she threatened him.

"Beatrice, you are also a Yu so do not ever address me that way!" he told her. "I'm tired, please. I do not want to argue with you. I do not want to say anything that we will both regret in the end. I won't."

Shalala lala, shalala lala in the evening.

Shalala lala shalala lala just for you.

Mom can be the best actress that day. She stopped following him and went back to their room. She slammed the door shut and both Dad and I's eardrums got shattered.

Dad took a deep breath. If I were as tall as him, I would give him a pat on his back.

I understand you Dad. I promise.

Don't get me wrong. I love them both. Equally. She's very loving, smart, and she loves Dad a lot. Only that she has different ways of showing it.

Though Mom can be too annoying sometimes. I wonder what made Dad love her too much no matter how much of a devil she is. It makes me think as well as to which of her genes got transferred to mine.

Imagine, she's filing for annulment because of their VERY petty argument. If push comes to shove and that I have to choose as to whose custody I'll be under, I'll choose Dad.

Know why I'm saying it is very petty?

Because Dad refused to dance for Mom with that song.

Mom wants Dad to dance on that Shalala song.

Okay, Dad refused Mom's request for him to dance that song.

YES. She is indeed making Dad dance to that Shalala tune and right now, I want to sigh heavily.

Seriously, Mom?

Well, these are just my thoughts. They never knew I knew about it. They are not aware I exist.


But once I'm out of her womb, I promised myself I would tell them to be careful when arguing. It sets a bad example to their kids.

It sets a bad example to their first child.

It sets a bad example to me.


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