There Are Two Of Them?

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Barry walked into the cortex with a smug smile plastered on his face. Caitlin and Cisco were arguing at the main desk, Caitlin was talking about how strawberry slushies were better than raspberry, but Cisco thought Raspberry were better. Barry giggled as the argument was quite heated. "Woah, guys, can't you agree to disagree?" Iris asked calmly, trying to cause as little friction in the group as possible.

"I agree with her, stop bickering like children," Julian scolded them as he crossed the lab with a glowing blue test tube in his hands.

Barry burst out laughing at their childish antics, it had been a while since all Central City had been remotely quiet, it was a relief to see that the team could still hold up an argument without any real harm being done. The pair turned to Barry, their faces were wild, "what do you think Barry?" Caitlin asked. Barry, froze, both Caitlin and Cisco were his best friends but if he needed to choose, he should probably tell the truth.

"I am sorry Cisco, but Caitlin is right, the strawberry slushies are way better," Barry grinned apologetically.

Cisco pressed his hand over his heart and slumped down into his chair, "wounded, I am wounded Barry,"

Caitlin rolled her eyes before sitting down and getting back to the work on her computer with a victorious smile. Barry made his way to Iris, who was leaning on Cisco and Caitlin's desk. He hugged her and she gratefully hugged him back. Barry was still couldn't believe that Iris was finally his, that they finally had come to their senses and started dating. It was like his dreams had come true. There was a massive gust of wind as Wally sped into the room. "Hey guys," Wally greeted them. There was a chorus of replies from all of the team.

"Julian?" Caitlin called, he poked his head round her lab door and raised a quizzical eyebrow, "come here," she demanded, he grudgingly joined the group around Cisco's desk, "right, now that we are all here, there has been accusations made against Star Labs for holding people against their will, it was an anonymous submission to the police, Joe is working on getting some information though,"

"Oh, what? How did- no, will we be ok?" Iris asked.

"Oh yeah we will be fine, we don't have anyone locked up so we should be good," Cisco said cheerily. A small amount of panic began rise in the room as the team all began to imagine what would happen if it got out that Star Labs was keeping Meta Humans.

"Anyway, the reason you are all here, is very simple, since it was such a serious claim they have to search our facilities and take statements from regulars and members of staff," Caitlin explained.

Barry sighed and ran his hand over his face, just when he thought things were getting better, they got worse. "Uh alright, when is this?" He sighed.

"Well, the investigator I think should be finished searching the facilities soon so then we will get questioned," Cisco sighed as he scratched his head. This was the last thing they needed, but they were going to pull through.

"What? Now? Which investigator is it?" Iris asked flushed, none of them were good at lying. Dread smothered them like a wet blanket, however if she knew the Investigator then maybe they would be okay.

"I haven't actually heard of this Investigator before, I amn't sure if he is new or if he just got transferred or if he is from another department-" Cisco babbled.

"Ramone, just tells us what investigator it is," Julian grumbled, as much as he would hate to admit it, he was really beginning to care for this rag tag group of friends, it would kill him to see them arrested.

"Alright, jeez, I think it's pronounced Investigator Smythe but I amn't sure," he told them whilst pulling an unsure face.

"What?" Barry hissed. He felt his blood run cold and his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. He was furious, but at the same time he was very surprised. He shared a glance with a very shocked looking Iris before he ran a hand over his face, "why him, could it not be anyone else?" He grumbled.

The team raised their eyebrows and were about to question him, "well, I can't say I was too pleased myself when I found out this was my case," a very familiar voice snorted. Of course he became an investigator.

Cisco swivelled in his chair, leaning in the doorframe was an exact replica of Barry, "wait what?" Caitlin was washed over by a massive wave of confusion. This man looked exactly the same as Barry, it was creepy and Caitlin had no idea what was going on. The man did however, have a very commanding and powerful aura around him, his very presence demanded attention and he was dressed very formally with a briefcase hanging from his hands. Barry stared in shock at a person he had not seen in many, many years.

"Barry, what have we told you about time travel, it's bad, some things even your super speed can't fix," Cisco blurted out. He had no idea where the investigator was in the building right now, he had let himself in, but if he saw this, things could get messy.

The man frowned and cocked his head to the side, Barry on the other hand sighed and planted his face into his palms, "Cisco, he isn't me," Barry explained.

Cisco turned back to Barry, then to the man, his face twisted in confusion, "if you are trying to suggest that Barry has superspeed then you are far from it," the man snorted, "the only thing he has that is special about him is his super tardiness," Barry sent him a cold glare.

Cisco and Caitlin shared and uneasy glance, they didn't like this man's tone, "who the heck are you then?" Wally hissed breaking the silence.

"I'm Investigator Smythe," the man rolled his eyes, "didn't you just go over that?" He said in a very patronising voice.

Barry pinched the bridge of his nose as Cisco gritted his teeth, he already didn't like him, "he is my twin brother, his name is Sebastian Smythe," Barry reluctantly admitted.

"You have a twin brother? Since when?" Caitlin asked, she was even more confused now.

"Since the moment I was born," Barry grumbled unhappily.

"Now that we have established that can we please get this over with, I would like to spend as little time with you as possible," Sebastian hissed.

"What afraid that we are all smarter than you because we have a lab and a sense of humour?" Cisco snarled unwittingly. As much as Barry wanted to agree with Cisco, he knew better, never poke a bear with a stick.

Sebastian smirked, and raised his eyebrows, "no, I'm afraid I might end up in whatever torture dungeon you and your sadistic little friends built here," Cisco gasped and glared at the man, he was well and truly offended. The team was stunned to silence, they had never know anyone to be so rude and overtly horrible.

"Okay, come on Smythe, lets get this over with," Barry walked out of the room, forcing his way past Sebastian, who reluctantly followed him with an unwavering smirk, leaving Cisco to mope in his misery, it didn't last long. Sebastian's suit flickered white with awful bloodstains splattered across them, coupled by a crippling feeling of terror and despair. Cisco rubbed his eyes, and the suit was back to normal, but the feeling had left and imprint in his mind. He shook it off, it must have been his powers acting up.

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