Can You Hear Me?

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Sebastian sat grumpily by the desk in the cortex. Iris and Wally were awing over him, much to Barry's distaste. Cisco and Caitlin were working on their computer, they were tracking a meta. HR stood, peering over their shoulders, giving useless suggestions every now and then, which just annoyed Cisco. Sebastian had tried everything to get them to realise who he was, he had tried to get them to read the case, but it was only now nearly drying. He would have spelled his name in kibble, but they only gave him raw meat that was too difficult to work with, and they had no pens because all their work was done on computers. Even when he tried to use the computer but he was shooed away. "So why did you call him Nutella?" Wally asked as amusement played across his face.

"Because he looks like chocolate and he has hazel eyes," Caitlin smiled softly down at the cat. He had brought a new light to team Flash. Even if he was very grumpy and sometimes avoided them, he was adorable and something to look at when they were bored.

Barry's phone began to ring softly, he answered the call without any hesitation, "hey Joe, what's up?" Barry asked.

"Where are you right now?" Joe's voice asked over the device.

"I am at Star Labs, why?" His face creased with concern, he hoped Joe was ok, it wasn't every day that he got a call from him at eight pm.

"Alright good," he replied, "I just wanted to call to let you know that Sebastian has gone off the radar again,"

"For how long?" Barry asked, despite what happened last time, he wasn't too worried, Sebastian always had a nasty habit of disappearing for weeks at a time, then resurfacing as though nothing had happened. As well as that, he was no longer the lead detective on Charles's case, and to Barry's knowledge he was not investigating any particularly dangerous ones.

"It's only been a couple of days, so I wouldn't worry too much, but I thought I should let you know," Joe told him. Sebastian got shivers down his spine, he was used to people talking about him when he was in the room, but not when they didn't know he was there.

"Okay, thank you," Barry was grateful Joe let him know, but he wasn't too worried. He hung up the phone after saying bye.

"Are you not worried about Sebastian?" Wally asked, he couldn't believe he was the only one worried about someone he barely knew, and had heard lots of awful stuff about.

"Not really, when we were kids and teenager he would just disappear randomly all the time," Barry snorted, "it got Mr Smythe's knickers in a bundle that's for sure," he snorted a laugh. How he hated that man. Sebastian froze, none of them noticed it, but it was fairly obvious, even the mention of his adoptive fathers name filled him with terror. He took in deep breaths and tried to focus on other things, but he very distracted. He began to think about what he did when he 'disappeared'. In reality he was usually just at another man's house, telling his adoptive father that he was at a friend's.

"Fair enough," Wally snorted, this Sebastian really was a character.

Barry sat down next to Caitlin and Cisco whilst opening up the now dry case file. He hoped it wasn't nothing because that damn cat had been with them for a few days now. The paper crinkled as he opened it gently, looking down at the file. A frown spread across his face, "umm, guys, this is highly confidential stuff," he gently skimmed through the pages.

"What's the case?" Cisco asked, narrowing his eyes, it looked very important, so he had no idea how Nutella ended up with it.

"It's the one we have been working on, people disappearing all over central city with only their clothes and anything they had on them left behind," he stated as he read the text. They all looked over at Nutella, who didn't even bat an eyelid, he maintained eye contact with Barry, but the flash simply looked away. He hoped they were going to figure out who he was now, he was tired of waiting, and being nice. One thing that did make this whole situation better, was Barry's dislike towards him. It put him at ease.

"That is a magical cat," Cisco muttered under his breath.

"Get this, apparently it all happened around Tumble Weed, the club, and all eyewitness accounts say that they saw the victim talking to an old lady surrounded by cats before they disappeared," Barry closed the case and put it down, he felt excitement spike though him, they finally had another lead on this case. Sebastian felt weird about someone else having his case but he knew it was for the best.

"Who was the lead detective?" Caitlin asked as Cisco furiously typed away on his computer, just warming up his hacking skills.

"The lead detective would be one Detective Smythe," Cisco announced as he read through the online files,

Barry felt things begin to click together. Panic spread across him like wild fire, "for goodness sakes, he has gone and disappeared too, hasn't he," Barry rubbed his forehead. "I honestly think I am going to start putting a leash on him," Barry grumbled. His brother really was a handful. Sebastian felt shame riddle him, but he meowed as loudly as he could. All heads turned to him. He meowed again, hoping they would put together the pieces, but they stared at him with blanks faces.

"That's right, that must have been how Nutella got the file," Iris was beginning to put two and two together, but she wasn't making much progress.

"Maybe he is one of the old lady's cats gone rouge, maybe she has magical cats, and that's how Nutella knew to find us," Cisco clicked his fingers, Nutella meowed again and made a dismal attempt a shaking his head, but none of them picked up on that.

"It would make sense, maybe she is a meta that can control or give cats some sort of intellect above average," Caitlin remarked.

"Then why would he go rouge?" Wally asked, they all sat and pondered. Sebastian desperately tried to get their attention, to tell them how wrong they were, but they just misinterpreted him and brushed him away.

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