Entering The Danger Zone

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Barry paced the cortex as Joe, Caitlin, Cisco and Henry looked on in shock and confusion, "so you were ambushed?" His fathers familiar mechanical voice droned.

"Yes, it was like they knew we were coming, where we would be and when to attack us," Barry grumbled as he stopped pacing and faced the others.

"They are trained for those kinds of situations," Henry replied sternly. Barry nodded in approval, it would seem that these Assasins were more of an issue than he first perceived. He ran a hand over his face and sighed.

"Well is there anything we can do technologically?" Joe asked Cisco who was typing furiously.

"Yes, I can disrupt the signals in the mask, I just need a working one," he told them with confidence, whilst glancing at Henry hopefully. The Flashes father sighed and nodded his head in agreement, "also, Barry, we had an email from some random dude named Charles Clarington,"

"Charles Clarington?" Henry cut Cisco off, the whole room looked at him, they were shocked at how abrupt he had sounded.

"Yeah," Cisco replied unsurely, he wasn't sure he wanted to know more about this man, "do you know him?"

"Yes, of course, I saved his life on a plane journey one time, but I haven't seen him since he was twelve," the man grumbled begrudgingly.

"Wait, was he the kid from the London flight?" Barry asked as déjavu smacked him across the face.

"He was," Henry replied, "a fine young man too,"

"What did he want?" Joe asked with a frown plastered on his face.

"Erm, it said something about a partnership," Cisco replied as he scanned the email.

"He wants you to meet with him at his warehouse in downtown central city, he says he has something to show you and that he hopes you help him with something," Caitlin had read the email already, she didn't trust the sender. It was a verified email, but you never know who lurks in dark corners.

"Oh, ok, did he ask to meet me at a certain time?" Barry frowned, this was the first time he had a business proposal, not that he was going to accept, but it made him feel important.

"Do you think it would be a good idea to go though?" Caitlin asked unsurely.

"What do you mean?" Joe interjected.

"Well, first off the warehouse is downtown, second we have never met this guy in person before, for all we know, it could be a trap, or not even him," she huffed as she once more scanned the emails for flaws.

"Well that's what super speed is for," Barry beamed at her and before she could object he was gone. To him, having no plan wasn't a big deal.

Barry tread lightly as the darkness above him swirled with smog and smoke. The street lamps flickered and crackled, the. Road he was on was fairly open, but on either side tall dirt covered building rose into the inky blackness above. Barry sighed as he saw his destination, it was the back entrance to one of the largest warehouses in Central City. There was a very daunting looking man leaning on the door, his muscles had muscles and his scars were scarred. Barry approached carefully. He didn't want to seem like a threat. The man noticed him and stood up straight, a smile tore at his face, "ahh, Barry!"he grinned, his voice was soft and slightly posh sounding.

"You must be Charles then?" Barry asked unsurely.

The man nodded, "indeed, are you aware of what you are here to see?" The man narrowed his eyes and cut straight to the point.

"Well, no, not really," Barry replied honestly. His heart skipped a beat as the man's face darkened and twisted into an evil smile.

"Good, but I just want you to keep an open mind," he chuckled, with that he opened the warehouse and slipped into its darkness. Barry, hesitantly followed suit, he walked into a very small and constricted corridor, there were massive amounts of wires running along the walls in groups of roughly fifty. Barry swallowed, he didn't like where this was going. Charles slammed open the next door at the end of the corridor, aside from that, all Barry could hear were his own footsteps. He entered a massive chamber, and what he saw horrified him. It was the ninjas, all of them. They were lined up side by side like sardines. He blinked slowly and began to count, there was only twenty seven of them, and no Thirty to be seen, "I see you are quite shocked by this," Charles snorted.

Barry turned to him, he was staring at every single one of his soldiers, "a little bit," he squeaked.

Charles chuckled again, "don't worry, they are harmless unless I say so," Barry begged to differ, they all looked terrifying in their massive metal, gas mask lookalike helmets.

Barry decided to try and prod, he couldn't believe he had just walked into the lions den on accident, "what are they?" He asked.

"Well, they are just empty bodies," he replied, "but I will get to that in a second, our foundation set out to be able to bring people back to life, and in doing so we created something much greater. Empty bodies," he began to walk towards an old and rusted door, Barry followed closely behind him. He pushed open the door. It led into a very dark corridor, the left wall was lined with tall long steel bars. They were prison cells, Barry didn't want to know what for. Charles stopped in front of one of the dark and gloomy cells, Barry nearly stopped breathing when he saw its contents, "from empty bodies we could create soldiers that don't feel pain and don't ask questions," Charles grinned proudly as he turned to Barry, "what do you think?" He asked.

Barry felt his breath shallow, inside the cell was thirty, but he was wrapped up in chains that were connected to some sort of socket. He was being electrocuted, but showing no reaction, "I think we should be partners," Barry replied confidently, even though he was lying through his teeth.

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