Again and Again

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Barry jolted awake. He gasped for air as his eyes darted around the room in a panicked state. He was in a nice and modern looking room, there were a few knocked out men by his sides, and towering over him was Oliver. Something was wrong. He got to his feet and properly surveyed the area. There had definitely been a skirmish here. There was wood and empty bullet shells scattered messily across the floor, "what the hell happened?" Barry asked Oliver with wide eyes. He couldn't remember any of it.

"Charles Clarington happened," Oliver spat, he was sick of that scum. He wanted him out behind bars, and soon.

"Where is now?" Barry asked, he too wanted to see Charles locked fir good. Hate and rage boiled up in his insides. The man needed to pay for his crimes. He was despicable and disposable.

"I don't know, he escaped with your brother as a captive before I got the chance to stop him," Oliver explained.

"He has Sebastian?" Barry squeaked in terror. Waves of shock and panic ripped through him.

"Yes," Oliver replied simply.

"How are we going to find him?" Barry asked. He had already searched the room for clues before Oliver had the time to blink, but he came up with nothing.

"I already know where he is," The Arrow grinned triumphantly. Barry gave him a quizzical look, "I managed to bug both Sebastian and Charles with a tracker, so there is no chance that we won't find them,"

"You are brilliant," Barry smiled. He should try being sneaky. It always seemed to work out.

Sebastian awoke once more with a splitting headache. He opened his bleary eyes and looked around. Everything was blurry and hazy. He fairly quickly realised that he was still tied to a chair, and thus forth he was left without being able to use his arms or his legs. He could feel that the blood flow to his fingertips had been cut off. He had no idea where he was it. It looked to be some kind of empty night club. There was a bar and broken bottles littered all over the floor. A stage took up the entire left hand side of the room. It had a long, shiny, metal pole that stood in its solitude in the centre stage. Fluorescent lights lay in tatters at the edges of the brightly lit room. Sebastian groaned, he couldn't concentrate, he couldn't focus. Whatever Charles had done to him had completely messed up his orientation.

He heard a door click and heavy footsteps enter the room behind him. He felt his breath catch in his throat as he could feel himself focusing. He pain disappeared and his senses sharpened, he was under threat. Charles appeared in front of him with a sick grin which split his features, "what's wrong Sebastian? Are you a little tied up?" The twin didn't reply. He just glared daggers at his capturer. He felt hate pumping through his body.

"Don't worry, I will let you go soon enough," he chuckled deeply, "but I think that you would prefer that I kept you tied down,"

Charles sat in a separate room quite a long while later. He felt a calming sense of peace wash over him, despite the fact that everything he had ever worked for had been destroyed. He knew what was coming and part of him wanted to accept it. The room used to be a backroom for the club, so it was spacious and wide. Flickering lights swung above his head. He never did get revenge for his parents. He heard the air behind him rip, so he instinctively rolled of his chair and onto his feet. He surveyed the room. In one of the open doors the Arrow was standing menacingly with a downturned smile, "Arrow, I was wondering when you'd arrive," Charles had never fought the man face to face before, but he reckoned he could best him. The vigilante didn't reply, he just cleared the length of the room in two massive leaps and engaged in a fight with Charles. The criminal dogged flying fists. Panic overtook him, he had massively underestimated his opponent. He tried to throw his own punch, but the Arrow smoothly grabbed onto his arm and flung him onto the floor. Charles rolled to the side as an arrow landed in the wood beside him. He went to rise to his feet, but a solid punch to that face knocked him out completely.

Barry entered the empty night club stealthily. Oliver was taking care of Charles and from the sound of thumping and yelling, the fight had already begun. He made sure that he wasn't standing on any broken bottles or other things that were lying across the wooden floor. The air was eerily quiet and still, aside from the occasional bang or crash. He could see his brother sitting still on a rickety wooden chair. He wasn't tied up. He wasn't moving. He was just still, "Sebastian?" Barry squeaked softly. He really hoped his brother was okay. The man's head snapped up and his emotionless, burning orange eyes pierced into Barry's own. The next thing he knew, The Flash was dodging an incredibly quick flying fist that missed him by an inch. Barry took several steps backwards in the time it took Sebastian to regain his footing.  Barry blinked in confusion, "Sebastian, please stop, don't let him control you,"

The man merely grunted and readied his fists. Barry felt guilt tug at him, but he had to do, what he had to do, he plunged his fist into Sebastian's stomach, making him double over in shock and pain. He then proceeded to smack his brother over the head with his knuckles, knocking him clean out, "about time," Barry snapped his eyes up to see Oliver standing triumphantly with Charles tied up and knocked out by his feet.

Barry rolled his eyes, "yes, but Sebby is my brother, so I have to exorcise some control when fighting him," he felt happiness course through him, his father was very soon going to be avenged. He could finally lock up Charles with his dirt bag brother, where they would both regret becoming criminals.

"He is a good fighter you kno-" Oliver froze, it was a poorly lit room, so he hadn't noticed it before, but a thick, dark, black liquid was gathering in a puddle, on and around Sebastian. "Holy shit Barry, what did you do to him?" He knelt down by the twin and rolled him onto his back.

Barry rushed down by his side as panic gripped him, "I didn't do anything, I swear," he squeaked as tendrils of panic consumed his body. They were quick to locate to source of the bleeding, a long and dark gash ran down the side of Sebastian's chest, "he must have landed on glass when he fell to the ground," Barry sighed in frustration, he sung his brother's arm over his shoulder and began to run. He trusted Oliver to take care of Charles, so he needed to his brother help. He ran into the cortex at top speed sending papers flying everywhere, "Caitlin, I need you help," he cried out as the brunette ran into the room and was immediately by the injured man's side. With one look she knew what she was going to have to do.

"Get ready for surgery," she announced.

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