Chapter 20

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You know the anxiety you get before you are about to walk into school. When you're late. And you're dreading waking into that building because you know everyone will stare when you walk into the class late. And that look of dissapointment the teacher gives you. That is enough for you to feel guilty for a week. That feeling of dread and guilt and anxiety even though you're trying to convince yourself that being late one time isn't a big deal. But you can't convince yourself and you're super anxious.

Picture that. But a million times worse.

Camila took a deep breath. She was standing outside the intensive care unit. Ally had already walked inside ahead of her. So did Ian. Leaving her standing outside, holding onto the stand with the IV that she was connected to by a needle in her arm.

She knew that as soon as she walked through that door they will make her feel guilty. But she had to be there for Lauren.

Taking a deep breath Camila pushed open the door and pushed the stand with the drip into the room. She walked into the room and when she did Normani, Dinah, Ally, Ian and the four nurses all stared at her making her stomach lurch. She felt like Harry Potter in the Order of the Phoenix when he walked into the great hall late and all of the teachers turned to stare at him.

Ignoring the intense stares Camila walked to the figure laying on the bed. Four nurses were crowded over Lauren, checking machines and speaking things that Camila didn't understand.

As soon as she seen the older girl lying on the bed with tubes inside her Camila whimpered loudly. It was a whimper of pure distraught. If you could hear the physical shatter of a persons heart then this would have definitely been that sound.

"Lolo." Camila said loudly and she hadn't realised she had said it until it came out.

"I'm sorry." Camila whispered.

"I'm sorry." Camila said again.

"What's wrong with her?" Ally asked her voice cracking.

"Because she didn't go to the hospital to get medication her cancer has developed. And ...and I'm afraid it has spread to her brain," The nurse explained.

"Is- is she going to..." " Dinah said and she didn't get to finish her sentence because her voice cracked and she broke down crying. She didn't need to finish her sentence everyone knew what she had being trying to say.

"There's a surgery... " the nurse said her voice trailing of with the slim confidence.

"There is a process that can be done to remove the Tumour, there is no guarantee that the surgery will successfully remove all of the tumour but it can slow it down. However there is a also a chance that she will..." The nurse explained, her voice trailed of again.

"Die," Camila said loudly. Causing all eyes to be on her.

"Why is everyone so afraid to say that word? We know that all of us are going to die anyway. So why doesn't anybody say the word? It's not a taboo. Lord Voldemort won't come out and kill you if you say the word die or talk about death," Camila said and the room fell into a silence.

"Camila Lauren might..." Normani said through out sobs.

"It's not fair!" Camila exclaimed.

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