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One year Later~

"Lolo..." Camila whispered. "Lolo wake up."

Lauren groaned in response, "Five more minutes."

Camila giggled and then sat up in bed, she checked the time and almost had a heart attack. She smirked and looked at her girlfriend. "Five..." Camila whispered. "Four..." "three... two..."

Lauren shot up in bed and checked the time, "Fuck! We are gonna be late!" She yelled and jumped out of bed. Camila laughed.

The afternoon nap they had planned on having had turned into a deep sleep and the sky was now pitch black.

Whilst Lauren ran around the room trying to get dressed Camila stood at the window and breathed in the winter cold air. She smiled at the snow that was lying on the ground. Christmas was always her favourite holiday.

Camila turned around and she caught the dress that Lauren had thrown at her. Camila quickly got changed into the wine red pencil dress, and began to do her makeup. "Where is my concealer?" Lauren cursed. Camila handed her the liquid and Lauren quickly put it on her face.

"Babe relax you look great," Camila reassured the green eyed girl who was now slapping on mascara.

"You do realise we will get killed if we show up late," Lauren laughed before finishing her makeup.

"You ready?" Camila asked bitting down on her lip.

Lauren turned around, "Jesus Christ, why are you so freaking hot."

Camila nervously laughed and took her girlfriends hand. "We really need to go." She said looking at the time.

Lauren nodded in agreement and the two lovers made their way downstairs. When they stepped outside Camila shivered at the cold winters air.

Lauren linked her arms with Camila's and they walked two houses down from there own. They knocked on the door twice and waited on it being answered.

"Kaki!" Sofia squealed running to the door and embracing the Cuban girl into a hug.

"You're late!" Sinu muttered, Lauren elbowed Camila.

"Come on, Everyone is already inside!" The little girl smiled and led the two girls into the house.

"Well look what the cat dragged in," Dinah joked. Ally scolded her girlfriend quietly.

"It's nice to see you girls," Ian (Normani's boyfriend) said quietly.

Normani smiled and hugged both of the girls.

A couple of seconds later the doorbell rang once again, "I'll get it!" Sophie yelled and ran outside of the room.

"She hasn't changed," Camila laughed.

"It's uncle Cas and Sam!" Sophie said excitedly as she ran back into the room with the two men.

"We have important news," Sam announced.

"Sam and I are engaged!" Cas exclaimed.

The whole room started to cheer and Dinah opened up some champagne and began to pour glasses.

The adults were chattering and everything for a long time had been well. Ian and Normani lived next door from Camila and Lauren because Ian's job was still to watch over Camila briefly but they had not been hassled every since the car accident. Not wanting to be away from her daughter, Sinu and Sophie moved two doors down from Lauren and Camila.

Dinah and ally lived on the next block and their neighbour was Cas and Sam. And Alejandro as he promised had not bothered any of them.

"Dinner!" Sinu yelled.

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