Chapter 29

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"Miss, Jauregui would you like to come with me? Please," Doctor Jenkins said with a cheery smile.

"Why? What is happening?" Lauren asked quickly as she followed her out of the ward and into the busy hospital corridors.

"Your GP called and he told us to inform you of your results." Doctor Jenkins replied.

Lauren's stomach twisted, usually no news was good news. She couldn't help but cower in the back of her mind in the potential fear that her illness had not successfully went away.

Lauren took a deep intake of breath and she slowly followed the female doctor into an isolated office room. The doctor took a seat behind the desk and motioned for Lauren to take a seat too. Lauren slowly sat down on the blue plastic chair.

"So Lauren, I have some news for you." The doctor said slowly.

Lauren wanted to get this over and done with, she was ready to take on whatever this doctor was going to throw at her.

"And I would ...Like to inform you that you're cancer free." Doctor Jenkins grinned happily.

"A-are you serious?!" Lauren's voice was at least an octave higher and she had tears in her glossy green eyes.

"Yes, I am." The doctor laughed.

"I-I, thank you." Lauren gasped. Lauren stood up and hugged the doctor with gratitude.

"You're very welcome Miss Jauregui, and I hope your girlfriend recovers well." The doctor said.

Lauren nodded and slowly walked towards the door. She was cancer free, she had beaten the illness. But why did it still feel like she had a big battle ahead of her?

Lauren walked down the corridors and found herself back at the ward. Alejandro had disappeared and so had Ian. The boy Cas, who claimed to be Camila's brother was sitting at the foot of Camila's bed talking to her. But of course the girl was unresponsive.

Lauren couldn't take it anymore, "GOD DAMMIT!" She screamed and her fist connected with the wall. A big dent was made in the wall and her knuckles were now burst but she didn't care. Lauren took a long deep breath. She could get through this. She had to.

"Lauren, are you okay?" Cas asked her and he stood up to check if her hand was in need of medical attention.

"I'm fine," she managed to at before looking at her bleeding knuckle and sighed.

"I don't know if I can do this," she said looking at the girl lying in the bed hooked up to monitors.

"I don't think I can do this either, but we have to." The boy bit his lip.

"You barely know her," Lauren said quietly.

"I barley know her but I lost my twin brother to depression and I refuse to let another sibling die!" The boy rose his voice.

"I-I'm sorry I never knew," Lauren apologised to him and he shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, we have bigger things to be worrying about," he said and his gaze focused back on his sister. "How bad was it bad was she, her- you know..." Cas attempted to ask but was stuttering.

"Somedays I could swear she was the happiest girl in the world. She never failed to make me laugh. And other times I could swear she was the saddest person in the world. She's tried to take her life countless times and she gets so sad and depressed." Lauren had to blink quickly to stop tears.

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