Chapter 25

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The three girls had reached the hospital and sprinted inside the building ignoring the judging looks people shot them.

"What happened?"  Ally demanded as the three girls entered the room, wheezing for a breath.

"She went into cardiac arrest, we managed to perform CPR successfully. " The Nurse explained. "She's stable for now." The nurse added.

"Oh my god, Lauren!" Dinah exclaimed in shock.

The three girls shuffled over to the bed, the green eyed girl looked somehow impossible thinner. He lips had lost colour and were dry of dehydration.

"Pull through you are a fighter, Laur." Normani whispered.

"You've got this Jauregui," Dinah said squeezing the girls hand.

Lauren's hand squeezed Dinah's hand and Dinah gasped.

"Did you see that?" Dinah asked.

The girls watched as the girl opened her eyelids, her green eyes seemed to have gone a murky colour.

"W-what happened?" Lauren mumbled. She slowly began to sit herself up on the bed.

"You-" Ally cleared their throat. "Your heart stopped beating for a few minutes."

"Where is-" Lauren began to say but Dinah cut her off by shaking her head.

"She's with Ian, god knows where," Normani said quietly.

"When can I get out of this place?" Lauren asked.

"I don't think they'll let you leave for a while, I mean you had went into cardiac arrest." Dinah looked at the nurse.

"Actually, cardiac arrest was a side affect of the surgery. And the surgery has seemed to successfully get rid of the Tumour. Lauren is free to discharge herself whenever she wants." The nurse explained.

"Can I discharge myself then?" Lauren asked.

"Yes you can come with me to the reception to sign some papers, if you experience any dizziness or sickness then you must come back immediately. And you should see your doctor in two days for some therapy." The nurse explained.

Lauren nodded and slowly got up from the hospital bed. She yanked the IV that was in her arm and stepped off of the bed. Her legs were a little wobbly at first but she soon got the hang of it. Her head hurt horribly and she desperately wanted to itch her hair but she couldn't because her head was wrapped in layers of bandages.

Lauren stood on the cold floor and slowly slipped on the adidas shoes she had been wearing before all of the surgery. Dinah took off her grey hoodie and handed to Lauren. Slowly Lauren put on the hoodie over the hospital gown.

"Wow Lauren you've lost so much weight we used to be the exact same size!" Dinah exclaimed.

Lauren looked at the hoodie that was drowning her frame and she shrugged. She walked out of the room and followed the nurse through the corridor and to the reception. Lauren signed a couple of Papers and finally she was free to leave the hospital.

"Lauren are you okay? How's the pain?" Ally asked.

"It's, fine I guess." Lauren replied and she followed the girls into the car park.

Once Ally had located her car the four girls climbed inside. Lauren sat in the backseat with Normani.

"I missed you so much Laur," Normani said.

"I missed you guys too." Lauren smiled weakly. But her mind kept going back to one thing. Camila.

Where was she? Was she okay? Was she being treated well? Was she eating enough? Was she missing Lauren? Did she even care?

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