The Dare (A mini Chapter.)

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"Keep in mind, this isn't part of the story and involves some sins. Also, I got the inspiration from one of Rouge's comics, So, enjoy my filthy sinners."

'Dare: Remember that Coach Error tells you to leave the gym when he's with Mr. Ink? Leave, but, make sure to go back inside when he and Ink enters his office and spy on them.'

I read the paper. It seems like I'm going Jock for awhile.

"Are we seriously doing this?" BP asked, in a bit of a whining tone.

"Yep. You lost the bet BP. We HAVE to do it." Skate Girl told him.

"Ok then. Let's go."

When we arrived at the gym, Coach Error is... SMILING? AND, he's with Mr. Ink. Whaaaa...

"Wait, is Coach Error, SMILING?" I asked.

"Yeah. He ALWAYS smiles when he's with Mr. Ink." BP told me.

"Duh." Skate Girl said.

"Well, this is almost like a Cliche Romance movie. The Girlfriend, which is the rival, acts all nicey nice when she's with her Boyfriend and the girl but when she's with the girl she bullies the one that likes the boy, A.K.A the main character." I explained.

"Well, not gonna denay, but, Mr. Ink proposed to Coach Error before." Skate Girl said.

"What!? Wow. That's pretty insane." I said.

"Well, you know Coach Error." Skate told me.

"Hey, what are you shrimps going here!? Get back to class!!!" He caught us. Crap.

"Uh-oh. Run!" I yelled and we ran outside. Since we're by the door, we still heard what Coach Error said. We secretly peeped by the window and watched.

"Geez. Those little maggots are so gonna get it." -Error

"Relax Error. Take it easy on the kids, k?"-Ink

"Ok."- Error

"Uhhhhh, Error, I'm in heat again..." -Ink

"Oh, so..." -Error

"What's 'In heat'?" I asked.

"You do NOT wanna know. Also, you MIGHT wanna hold in yourself." BP warned me.

"And, why is that?" I asked.

"Ahhhhh!~" -Ink

Coach Error LICKED MR. INK!? WHAT!?

"Uhhhhhh..." I said.

"E-Error, can we t-take this inside the of-ffice? The k-kids might see us." -Ink

"Ok." -Error

They went inside and a bit later, we entered secretly and saw a window by Coach's office. We took a small peak.

"Now, shall we get started Inky?" -Error

"Yes p-please..." -Ink

He slowly took off his pants and Ink's pants.

"Ready?" -Error

"I was BORN ready." -Ink

He started thrusting. I was blushing. Then, BP covered my eyes.

"What's that for?" I asked whispered.

"Well I can't let you go into another Episode. Besides, your 14 for Pete's sake! I can't let you see this!" He yelled whispered.

"If you give me a warning about you doing something that involves my past, I'm not gonna be in an Episode. Besides, your 16. How are you even watching this!?" I yelled whispered. He got frozen and let me see.

"Ghhhhh... your so tight Inky." -Error

"E-Error, I-I think I'm gonna-" -Ink

He... did something. I thought they would stop, but, nope. They continued.

"What the heck!? Normally some would stop, but, they didn't!?" Skate Girl yelled whispered.

"I know right?" I whispered in agreement.

"Geez. They're insane as heck." BP said whispered.


"Well, it's a bit of a shame that YOU take all the fun. Now, it's MY turn." -Ink

He took out his tongue and started sucking... you know what, you get the picture.

"Ahhhhhh!~" -Error

"Oh my gosh. These two are INSANE." Skate Girl whispered.

"You still ok to keep going Nexi?" BP asked.

"Yeah. Just... pretty surprised.

A while later, they both stopped. Another minute later and I might have gone to another Episode.

"Man. I didn't see that CUMMING." -Ink

"OH COME ON! THAT WAS NOT A BAD SEX JOKE!" Skate Girl yelled. Oh no.

"What the fck are you doing here!?" -Error

"Oh sht. Run!!!" I yelled and we all went out running.

"Get back here you two!!!" Coach chased us, withOUT any pants. The students saw him and laughed.

"Grrrrr..." Ink came in.

"Take it easy Error."

"Yeah. I'll let those two off for now. But, if they spy on us again, they're sooo gonna get it." Error said furiously.

After the Coach was nowhere in sight, the three of us laughed.

"Omg, that was INSANE." BP laughed.

"Yeah. They did NOT see that coming!!" I laughed.

"I know right!" Skate laughed.

"So this is the feeling of getting caught ey?"

"Yep. Welcome to the Jocks group." BP said while patting my head.

"Hehe. But, I'm still going with the nerds, alright?"

"Fine. We won't stop you at that."

"Thank you."

(Hey guys! So, this was very stupid. XD
I think that if Error and Ink were alone in the gym and he's on heat, they would probably do THAT. I know. Stupid right? Anyways, I'm nearing 300 reads! Whoho!!! Thanks you guys. So, yeah. Bye.
Friskies out!)

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