A/N: ... (Plz chill I'm feeling normal now.)

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To the peeps out there that reads this. IDK if I'm doing this for attention but I'm doing this anyways.

You remember I said I posted a picture of my harms? I continued. I didn't know why. Seventh grade is hell. I thought that my classmates are better. Now I'm dealing with a gay piece of crap, some boys that knew about my past, my old classmate that told them about it, and my seatmate, who won't stop bothering me. School is over, but it still feels like hell. My house... I don't know. I don't wanna say it, but, it may seem funny, but it made me mistrust eggs. I know. Hilarious. But I cried because of that. I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. But I'll carry on. I stopped cutting, but I still want to. I first did it with scissors, but I carried on with a blade, WITH RUST. Yep. I'm insane. But I never made it bleed. No matter how deep. My guidance told me TWICE. Did I listen? Nope. She was gonna tell it tho, but I promised her. So, she didn't tell. Then, my bully-ass seatmate knew I cut, cause he said, quote "He saw me do it in the restroom." But I always do it inside the stalls, so, we became friends. We just acted like we hate each other. But he went back to bullying me. He apologized, but I dissed him off. Gosh, I felt regret. But hey. Twice is enough.

Also, my friends, @purpleroses17 and @0_FandomTrashFreak_0 these are the only two I told about my struggles. I don't know if the rest would understood. So to the peeps I talk to, I'm sorry. I'm feeling better now, but eh. Too much effort on typing. Now time for a random crap. If you hate self-shippers, either leave the book or just move on with your life.

BP: Hugs me tightly

BP, I wanna be aloooooone.

BP: Nope. You're gonna get hugged, whether you like it or not.

Urrrrggggh, fiiiiiiine. Cries anyways, but not too loudly

BP: You'll be ok. Trust me.

Sure. Like everyday.

BP: Please. Hugs me tighter



Falls asleep in his arms (Bleeeeeh. Just for some shippers ok?)

BP: Heh. She should be fine. Pets me softly

OK now that I'm fine, MOVE. ONNNNNN. OK? OK. GOODBYE.

BP X Neko!Reader: Catastrophic Love (OLD AND COMPLETED) (AND SERIOUSLY UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now