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Friskies' POV-
When I woke up, I ended up in my bed. Wait wut? How? When I looked to my left, I saw a note from PaperJam. Wow. Is he literally serious? Oh whatever. I checked the time. Oh sht. 12:50. Class starts in ten minutes. I stood up and dashed to my classroom.

"Nopenopenopenopenopenopenope I will NOT get late!!! I will NOT get late!!! I will NOT get late!!!" I yelled as I ran.

When I made it, I was a panting mess. All my classmates are there.

"And I called it!" I said and walked to my desk.

Time skip
After class, I fixed my things and went to the fountain. Of course, the three of them were there already.

"Well, well well. About time. You're sorta late." PJ said.

"Pant Sorry. I Pant Was late earlier. Pant" I said, heavily breathing.

"It's alright. Anyways, come on. Let's practice." Y/N said.

"Kk. Ugh..." I said and flopped Down.

"Don't worry. I'm fine. Lez do dis!!" I said and sat up.

Y/N's POV-
As we practiced, we started to think of something, then, I had an idea.

"Hey guys, in one part, why don't we sing it all together? It'll be cool." I suggested.

"Oh yeah! Stupid me. I never thought of that." Friskies said and face palmed herself.

"Alright. Altogether, in three, two one!" Friskies said and we started singing. Me and PJ have been listening to the song a lot, so we know some of the words.

"Good job guys. Y/N, that was brilliant. That'll spice it up a little." Friskies said.

"Ahehe. Thanks." I said.

"Anyways, I should really take a Break. I'm tired." Friskies said.

"Alright. Oh no. I forgot something!" I said in shock.

"What is it!?" Friskies asked.

"Oh, shot. PJ, BP, we should run, NOW." I said and pulled them by the wrist.

"What the hell Nexi!?" PJ said.

"Don't you remember!? We have practice today!" I said.

"Oh fck. Friskies, see you at the gym." PJ said and we dashed to the gym.

Tem skip to gym
When we made it there, everyone was glaring at me for some strange reason.

"Hey, neko freak! Why the fck did you do that!?" One player hissed at me.

"Do... what?" I asked confused.

"Oh. Don't act as if you never TOLD A RUMOR AROUND HERE SAYING THAT MR. INK AND COACH ERROR BROKE UP!!! NOW COACH ERROR'S DAMAGED!" One player yelled at me and pulled my back hair.

"Ouch! What rumor!? I didn't say ANYTHING." I said.

"Oh fck you btch. Lucinda told us that she saw you and Friskies spread it around the school. She Even got proof!" One player yelled and threw three pictures at me. One was me and Friskies whispering to a student. Another was me and her going hand signs. The last one was the both of us high fiving each other.

"But, this never happened! I was with the jocks the whole week!" I said, stuttering.

"Oh really? Then how come your sleeves were dark red when you went out of Coach Error's office!?" Another player hissed. Oh, shoot.

"Wait, what?" BP said.

"She nor Friskies were doing that. We saw Friskies go to the library and Y/N's with us the WHOLE time." PJ said.

"Oh yeah? You two defending your girls eh? You guys are insane. She's a fcking nerd! What the fck man!? She deserves to die!!!" The other one said. I couldn't take it anymore. I was crying like hell. BP ran to him and punched his face. He then grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"Now you listen here you piece of sht. Me and her other friends know her too well and we know she would never do such a thing! And if you try to make a fcking rumor about her again, I'll give you a result that'll haunt you forever." BP said, pissed off.

"Hah. Still a fcking tough Guy huh? Well try me btch." He said. BP grabbed his neck and threw him to the ground. I started crying harder, but PJ covered my eyes. Then, I heard BP yell in pain.

"What the fck is happening here!?" We heard a voice. We turned around and saw...

"Mr. Ink!?" They shouted in shock. Coach Error was beside him.

"Y/N! PJ! What's going on in Here!?" Coach Error said.

"T-t-they said I-I made a rumor. A-a-a-and..." I couldn't continue. I was stuttering too much.

"Sighs Again? What did I say about trusting Lucinda and her rumors?" Coach Error said.

"Sorry..." They synced.

"AND, adding Friskies into this!? Haven't you heard, I and Ink only got into a fight because we were both still thinking about things." Coach said.

"Ohh, yikes." One said.

"So, as punishment, ten laps Around the court!" He said, pissed off. Everyone started to growl, but I heard footsteps going to the middle. PJ uncovered my eyes and, I just got even more scared. BP's other eye was slightly hurt. He kept on closing it. I immediately ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok!?" I said, crying a bit harder. He hugged me back and patted my head.

"It's fine Nexi. I got worse than this." He said, trying to calm me down. Well, it sorta worked. I slowly cooled down and let go.

"O-ok..." I said, scared. He's gotten too much for helping me. I really need to pay him back somehow.

"Anyways, your eye..." I said, nervous.

"Huh? Heh. Don't worry. It's alright... I'm fine." He said. I looked at PJ. He seems worried.

"Anyways, Y/N, mind if you take BP to the infirmary? His eye looks really bad." Coach Error instructed.

"O-ok. Come on. let's go." I told BP.

"Alright." He said and we both headed to the infirmary. For some reason, my face suddenly went red. I didn't know why. I guess it's sorta awkward for me, maybe. I just need to stay calm.

Hopefully, this gets better...

Friskies: Hey guys! Yes, I'm officially continuing this book!

BP: Wow. Really? That's new.

Friskies: And, unless you forgot, I think there's a new OTP with me in it.

BP: Oh really? What?

Friskies: Oh, you'll see. Anyways, sorry for the LAAAAAAAAAAATE update. School's killing me. As well as my upcoming exams. Why world!? WHYYYYYYYY!?!??!?!??!?!?

DS: Welcome to high school Friskies.

Friskies: Anyways, I still gotta make my reviewers. (Cause crap.) So, yeah. Bye!

All: We're out!

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