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Y/N's POV-

Weeks went and it's mah B-day Finally! I've been waiting of this. Luckily it's a Saturday, so MORE TIME FOR ME THE WHOLE DAY!!!! Hehe! I got a message from BP.

BP: Yo Nexi you busy today?

Y/N: Nope. I think, why?

BP: Oh you'll see. Also, you don't mind me picking you up later at...

Y/N: ????

BP: 1:00?

Y/N: Oh no it's alright. Why?

BP: As I said, you'll see later.

Y/N: Yeah. See ya.

BP: See ya. Love ya. >30

Y/N: Hehe love you too. See ya. >w<

Well that was weird. Well, for the meantime, I got bored and ended up using my phone. I know that's a little boring but hey. I have nothing else to do. Wonder what Lily's up to...

Lily's POV-

I asked VC Temmie if we could use the Gym for the night and she agreed. I decided to plan a surprise party for Y/N and told her friends about it and they agreed. BP told me he'll distract her in the meantime till we told him it's ready. He agreed with me, at least. He also had something in mind. Wonder what it is.

Temskip to 1:00 cause Authie is getting impatient.

Y/N's POV-

It's already 1:00. Wonder when BP's coming. I was just watching some videos from PewDiePie when I heard a knock. I opened the door and BP was there.

"Oh hey BP. What took you?" I asked.

"Sorry. Kinda lost track of time. Anyways, here. I wanna hand you this." He handed me a/an F/C F/F.

"How did you know this was my favorite flower?"

"I have my ways. Anyways, wanna walk around the school?"

"Sure." He held my hand... which was weird, and we went around chatting.

It's already 7:00 and we were going near the gym for... some reason. He handed me a blindfold.

"Mind if you wear this?" He told me. I nodded and wore it. Then...



I'mma break the fourth wall for a sec and say, AT LEAST FRISKIES HASN'T MADE ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER! IT'S REALLY BUGGING ME OUT! Anyways, I gave Y/N a blindfold and she put it on. I then opened the door and pulled off the blindfold.


Y/N's POV-

  "SURPRISE!!!!!" Everyone in the gym shouted. I started tearing up slightly. Everyone started singing Happy Birthday to me while Lily went to me carrying a/an F/F/C. I couldn't really believe it. BP was smiling lightly.

"Come on, blow the candles!" Lily said. I smiled and blew the candles. I was so happy I sorta ended up crying. All my friends ran to me and hugged me tightly. We all pulled off after that.

"Heh. Thank you guys so much. I didn't. Oh my gosh." I said, wiping my tears off. "Hehe. No worries Y/N." BP said. I smiled brightly.

"Come on guys! Time to party!" Undyne suddenly yelled. Some of us laughed and started partying. We did it like we were old friends. But BP didn't party much. Wonder what's up with him.


I kept on thinking about my plan. I really hope this works. I've been thinking about it after awhile. I knew I should do it. In private.

Y/N's POV-

I was by the snack bar drinking a punch when BP went to me.

"Yo Y/N wanna come with me for awhile? Party's getting a little wild." He said. Now that he mentioned it, my ears ARE sorta painful from the music so I nodded.

"Great. Come on, follow me." He took my wrist and we ran out the gym until we reached the back of the school. Strange. I never saw this place before.

"Whoa... how did you find this place?" "Let's just say that, me and Nice Cream Guy saw this place while going around, don't ask why. And I sorta discovered that this was a place Mr. nightmare goes to." Wow this place looks pretty.

"Anyways, the reason I brought you here is that....

I don't wanna be friends anymore..."

Friskies: Chill ok!? The relationship isn't over yet! I have another one soon.

BP X Neko!Reader: Catastrophic Love (OLD AND COMPLETED) (AND SERIOUSLY UNEDITED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora