Sooooo, well,

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Friskies: Guys, something random, but uhh, who do you ship me better? PJ or BP? Cause, basically, it's BP, so, majority wins, but uhh, I know some of you guys ship me with PJ Glares at yannie1312

DS: Oh wow. A skel and a human?

BP: Is that why you keep on reading PJ x Reader books?

Friskies: What!? No, well, it's bcz I couldn't find a BP x Reader one. T-T

DS: Ouch. Pats head

Friskies: WHY HUMANS!? WHHYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?!??!?!? No, really. Being shipped with two fictional characters? Oh wow. That's new.

DS: Poor you.

Friskies: Yeah. -H- Anyways, I basically ship-

Camera turns off

BP X Neko!Reader: Catastrophic Love (OLD AND COMPLETED) (AND SERIOUSLY UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now