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Well, since I've told you I've cut myself, (I ain't crying BTW. I'm just furious about earlier.), I just wanna do this thing so that y'all won't have to worry so much. Author-Chan is perfectly fine.

Friskies: *Is whistling a tune*

BP: Hey Friskies.

Friskies: Yeah?

BP: What up with you taking off your shirt?

Friskies: *Blushes* Because, it's a freaking 30° out here! What would you expect!?

BP: Well, I'm just saying you look hot without your shirt.

(Ohhhhh sht. Also, keep your fcking sinful minds down. She's wearing her undershirt. XD)

Friskies: *Blushes* What!? Alright, first you call me cute, now hot!? WTF!?

BP: Profanity young girl.~

Friskies: Your not my brother!

BP: And your not my mother.

Friskies: ...

BP: Hehe. Got you.

Friskies: Shut up Burger Pants.

BP: *Carries her bridal style*

Friskies: THE FCK!?

BP: On to NeverLand!!! *Runs*

Friskies: Wahhhh!!! Save meeeeeeeeh!!!!

I'm sorry. XD

Also, the scratches are kinda disappearing a little. The fck?

BP X Neko!Reader: Catastrophic Love (OLD AND COMPLETED) (AND SERIOUSLY UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now